
Late catching the Fantasy train?


Are there any others out there that never got to any of the best books because they weren’t at the right age or never really cared for reading. Well, today I thought I’d help all of you out and recommend some of the books I’ve either just encountered or have known about, but only have hopped aboard the “train” recently. This is small list of some recommendations for newbie book-lovers and who want to know which are some of the greatest YA fantasy books to read in 2017.

  • The first rec I have for you is: HARRY POTTER by J.K. Rowling *gasp*. Now these books are just great. The characters are so loveable and relateable. We go to a school everyone wishes they could go to, and now you may wonder, but Ruby, why would anyone want to go to a weird school with a weird name? Well, Hogwarts is a lot of fun. There are awesome classes to attend, and spells to learn, and friends to make. And although these books start out when our main characters are 11, they’re enjoyable for all ages. The Wizarding World is so amazingly unimaginable and Rowling just has more and more to share every day. You can’t ever be disappointed with Harry Potter.

Books in the series:

  1.  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


  • The second book series I want to tell you about is, ironically, even though we don’t technically go to a school like in Harry Potter, you can learn so much history from it, and that is the Percy Jackson series (Percy Jackson & The Olympians and also Heroes of Olympus) by Rick Riordan. These books are so good. They’re funny and so enjoyable, and are intertwined with Greek and Roman mythology, so you learn lots of new stuff. These books are hilarious to all ages, and they’re just great.

Books in Percy Jackson & The Olympians:

  1.  Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
  2. Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
  3. Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse
  4. Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth
  5. Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian

Books in Heroes of Olympus:

  1. The Lost Hero
  2. The Son of Neptune
  3. The Mark of Athena
  4. The House of Hades
  5. The Blood of Olympus
  • Now those were the books that middle graders could read (except Heroes of Olympus which is about 16 & 17 year olds). But the next series that I highly recommend is the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Now these books are so very funny and the characters are great. The world is really fun and you can always enjoy yourself with these books in your hands. The Mortal Instruments also comes with The Infernal Devices, which is a trilogy that Cassie wrote alongside TMI. Their story lines connect at the end of both of the series, and they’re overall so fun. And unfortunately, I guarantee you many tears throughout TDI, but they’re AMAZING.

Books in The Mortal Instruments:

  1. City of Bones
  2. City of Ashes
  3. City of Glass
  4. City of Fallen Angels
  5. City of Lost Souls
  6. City of Heavenly Fire

Books in The Infernal Devices:

  1. Clockwork Angel
  2. Clockwork Prince
  3. Clockwork Princess

I, myself am still busy with both of these but I am going to recommend two more series to you:
1. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
2. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Now these series are both pretty awesome so far, but I can’t tell you so much about them because I haven’t finished them yet, but they’re really awesome at the moment.
I hope this helped you to find where to start with fantasy novels in 2017, because there are so many books now, and they might seem quite overwhelming. In my opinion, these are some of the books that touch my heart and I hope they touch yours too.
Have a great Saturday,
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Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx

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