April & May BOOK HAUL
So, I’ve bought quite a few books over these last two months, that I’m excited to share with you. I bought these books from Readers Warehouse, Bargain Books and from the Kindle eBook Store.
- The first book I bought is Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson and Robin Wasserman. This books is a bind-up of novellas (short stories) based on a character from the shadowhunter world named Simon. I don’t know much about it, but I was told it is amazing and unexpectedly excellent.
- I’ve also slowly bought the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas these past months and I’ve been dying to read them (studying and school have brought it’s hardships). All I can really say, because I don’t know much, is that it’s about an assassin who must compete in a competition for the Prince to win her freedom. It sounds really awesome and fun, and I’ve heard so many great things.
- I’ve been wanting to read Rainbow Rowell books for such a long time and I’ve been in a big contemporary romance mood for a while now. So I now own Fangirl and Eleanor & Park. They sound so cute and adorable and will be reading them very soon. I read Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon this month too, in anticipation of the movie release. Click here for my full review. I really enjoyed this sweet and heart-wrenching romance and I am very excited to go and see the movie.
- Author Shuan Hume asked me to review his book Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith which I am currently reading and is about a boy who is sent to a school of magic because he sees monsters. I’m enjoying it so far and am excited to see where it goes.
I bought quite a lot of books and am very thankful to have received one too. Looking forward to reading all these wonderful books!
Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
I hope you enjoy Throne of Glass!! I have a kinda love-hate relationship with Maas’s books, but her writing is excellent. And they’re full of action, too, which is awesome.
Happy reading, Ruby! <3
Why love-hate? I am seriously hoping that I’ll enjoy and I probably will <3