Title: The Dream Thieves
Series: The Raven Cycle Book #2
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Page count: 450
Date published: 5 September 2013
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Rating: (5 out of 5 stars)
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after…
Now I have to be honest, I was afraid that I wouldn’t like this book because some were saying that it’s very slow and boring, but in reality it’s NOT that. I loved, loved, loved, loved this book and I’d like to type that out more but we might be here a while. The whole story was taken to a whole other level and it had basically everything I wanted which at times included lots of confusion and theorising. It’s great and amazing and please stop reading NOW to avoid spoilers and then come back when you’re finished (which shouldn’t take long) so we can discuss…
okayyyyyy so all that happened and again I have NO idea where I am to start with this book. Let’s just go with Adam. So he annoyed me and I don’t understand why he did what he was doing. But I also know that something tragic was going to happen between him and Blue and Gansey so that was heartbreaking. So Adam needs to get himself together and also be with Ronan. Please and thank you.
So at first I really didn’t like this Gray Man. I didn’t know what he was or what he was doing and I missed Gansey but then later on I started liking him a little more. I don’t love his character because he’s still a little fishy but I no longer hate him. He’ll also probably be with Maura next book soooo….
Now let’s talk Ronan. He was being so mean at the beginning and I honestly still don’t know why. He just really confused. Like being really mean. Then I started really enjoying his plotline. I love Matthew and also Chainsaw. His dream thing is weird yet so intriguing. Also, I really DON’T like Kavinsky. I really hated him. I honestly thought half way through the book that he would get better but nope so do not like him. At all.
And I am also officially obsessed with Bluesy. Finally. It happened and I’m so excited for their relationship to develop. I just love Gansey so much. This book was hilarious too. I laughed so hard and had all the feels when they were out on the lake with Orla and Blue was just a QUEEN. And I love the Jane nickname. Gansey just protects all his friends and none of them appreciate him enough. Argghhh.
Anyways I loved this book and definitely was not disappointed and I hear the third book is THE BEST so I’ll just go ahead and prepare my funeral. See ya’ll later.
Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink
But I MEAN CAN YOU EVEN BLAME ADAM? I mean his father is abusive so like…YEAH
Ruby Rae Reads
Yeah I get that, but don’t be like that to Gansey
Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink
You could say it the other way round. Like Gansey, don’t be like that to Adam. ?? (okay sorry I LOVE ADAM TOO MUCH)
Ruby Rae Reads
Haha. I assume you love him because he becomes a sweetheart?
Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink
Ruby Rae Reads
I’m excited!!!
ioana @dragonwaffles
I have about 200 pages left and it started picking up for me too which is great. Right now I am wayyy more invested in the Maura plotline seriously 😂.
Ruby Rae Reads
It is very interesting
Cait @ Paper Fury
THIS RATING MAKES ME VERY HAPPY. *all the excited screaming from over here* 😂 THE DREAM THIEVES IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITES OF LIFE. <3 I adore Ronan so so much! I know he's mean, but he's a really accurate representation of ptsd so I GET it. But I'm glad his arc kicks in for this book and he starts being nicer. ❤️💔
Ruby Rae Reads
I know he gets better and that I’ll love him 😁 but gansey is my current bae 😍😂