Monthly Recaps

(late) MARCH RECAP // i read A TON but am kinda sorta suffering a creative slump

Okay, I legit just checked how long ago I posted and internally cringed. I APOLOGISE IMMENSELY FOR ABANDONING YOU GUYS.

But I’ll get to that later.
I did actually read quite a few books. Your eyes might pop out of your head (chill Ruby it isn’t that much).
Anyways, I think it’s just time to get into this post.
Monthly Recap - wrap up

  • The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas {★★★★★}: We’re just going to sidestep the fact that I’m 648368622 years late to this book and talk about how brilliant this book is. You all know this already, your grandma knows it. But I love Starr and her family. I love Angie’s writing style and of course the message and how important it is. Click here for my Goodreads review.
  • One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus {★★★★☆}: This year is the year that I catch up on 2017 bestsellers that I didn’t read when everyone else was. I picked this up on a total whim and read it so freaking fast. It’s not the most amazing book that ever existed but I was WAY too addicted and invested in these characters. We all know The Breakfast Club, and I loved the correlation (wow big word Ruby) between the two. I was also deeply invested in a ship, if you’ve read it you’ll know which one I’m talking about. I’m total romance trash don’t judge me. Anyways, click here for my Goodreads review.
  • This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab {★★★★☆}: Eyyy I finally read this book which has been sitting on my shelf for much too long. Victoria’s writing is glorious and I adore it. I loved the characters in this book, I thought they were so well written. The reason I didn’t love it as much as I wanted to was that the world confused the heck out of me and the plot wasn’t as well constructed as it could have been, in my opinion. I’m in no way an expert in reviewing books, but I was just confused most of the time. I still liked it and I’m very optimistic about the sequel. You can click here for my review.
  • Illuminae by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman {★★★★★}: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! Why did nobody force this book down my throat because it was so amazing I cannot even comprehend. THE CHARACTERS, THE PLOT!!! I’m also surprised at how much I LOVED the sci-fi/space aspect which is awesome because I was SCARED. SO AMAZING!! Review here.
  • Gemina by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman {★★★★★}: Just as amazing oh my gosh. I cannot tell you which is better because I know everyone loves this more. I took me a second to get into it, I didn’t immediately get into it but finished it so quickly once I did. The characters!! The plot!! My mind is mush okay. Click here for my review.
  • Obsidio by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman {★★★★★}: My anxiety truly did not survive this book. It was through the roof and smacked me in the face. It also took me a second to get into it but once I was stuff was happening and I was not okay. My heart hurts. Click here for my longer Goodreads review.

Monthly Recap - tbr
So I’m low-key participating the OWLs readathon (click here for the Youtube video for more info) which is a Harry Potter themed readathon and so well thought out and put together. You may already know about it but anyways, these are some books I’m hoping to get to these books soon.

  • Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody
  • A Million Junes by Emily Henry
  • Dry by Neal Shusterman & Jarrod Shusterman
  • The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews
  • The Darkest Legacy by Alexandra Bracken

Monthly Recap - Online Stuff
A lot of stuff happened this month (!!).
I went to the Bargain Books Warehouse Sale again and it was so much fun, as usual. I got some great books and had the best time with my friends. Check out my Instagram for more content, I posted a ton of stories and a good few posts.
I also spent some time with one of those friends for a few nights and had the most awesome time. We went to the movies, watched Buffy and ate too much chocolate, or I did.
I’m also now near 1000 Instagram followers, which is a long time coming and I’m excited.
Okay about my “slump”. I’ve been quite busy this year with school and I think managing my final year of high school, reading books and also taking pictures (I’m a lot more consistent on Instagram btw if you want to follow) has taken up most of my life, that it’s become draining and time-consuming to create new blog content. I’m a lot more settled now, no promises, but I’m going to try and post a bit more. I think I just needed to take posting on here stress off me and it’s been good. I didn’t mean to disappear off the face of the earth. Anyways, just thought I’d let you know.
Monthly Recap - favourite posts
Create Your Blog Brand ~ Amy guest post
how to manage reading and school
Monthly Recap - life updates
As I mentioned earlier, 2019 is my last year of high school which means I have a ton of work this year. I took our school vacation of two weeks off to read and it did me really well. I wasn’t in my best mental state at the end of March so I’m glad I had a break.
Anyways, exams start up again in May which is always fun. Not great for the anxiety ya know. I also need to apply to university and well find a place to live.
You can see why I’ve been preoccupied.
floral decoration 13
That’s about it really. Again, I apologize for disappearing, I’m going to try my best to post more. I’ll probably only write a post when I get a spare day so it won’t be consistent.



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Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx


  • softheartandwarmeyes

    I have heard really great things about A Million Junes and I already own it so I’ll have to read it sometime soon-ish. Yes to The Boy Who Steals Houses — that one is high up on my TBR too because I really liked A Thousand Perfect Notes. Congrats on finishing the Illuminae series! I still have to read the second one after completely loving the first and then just not following through lmao. Hope you have a great rest of the month! c:

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