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WAREHOUSE SALE TAKE TWO // a lil’ guest post from Reed with Miriam

Hey there friends.

I know I just told you about the Bargain Books Warehouse Sale but my dear friend Miriam also wanted to, so today she’s going guest post *screams in excitement*

A huge thanks to Mims for being here!!

Miriam is over on Instagram and has such a beautiful feed I CAN’T EVEN. She’s also coming to Youtube soon and I’m SO eagerly waiting to see what she’s going to do! Passing it onto Miriam now.

Hello bookies!

This is Miriam from @reedwithmiriam, reporting live from the studio of my couch. Big thanks to my sweet friend, Ruby, for allowing me to be a guest writer on her fantastic blog! Without further ado, I’ll jump (write) in.

What’s your favourite day of the year? I’m guessing its somewhere between events like Christmas and Hanukkah or your birthday. Well, my birthday is September 25th (you can put that in your diary if you want) but my favourite day is September 24th.

“Why?” You ask, “Is it the anticipation that builds on birthday-eve?”

Actually, September 24th is the day when all my childhood (and adulthood) dreams come true. I wake up, get ready to go to this sale that is filled to the BRIM with stacks and stacks of books. The books stretch on, bigger than any bookstore – from notebooks and bullet journals to history books and Young Adult and cookbooks … it’s like I’ve died and gone to bookie heaven.

Not only that, but the books are so affordable that it means my birthday money (which, of course, I managed to get early) stretches three times as far as it usually would and I walk out with actual boxes overflowing with books.

But the best part is that this isn’t a private party for one (although if someone would like to do that for me, I would be okay with it), you’re invited too!

Where: 10 Mymoena Crescent, Athlone Industria 2, Cape Town.

When: 24th September 2019 (The eve of Miriam’s birthday)

Time: 9am to 5pm

From going to the pre-sale, I can tell you that this months’ event is going to be incredible! Here are some great books that I found while digging around the warehouse a week or so ago.

Vegan Cakes and Other Bakes

by Jérôme Eckmeier

If you know me, you know I’m a vegan. Yes – I am that person who will find a way to bring it up like veganism is a part of a pyramid scheme and I need to climb the ranks. However, vegan cookbooks aren’t the easiest to come across and when I do find them in bookstores, they can cost as much as R450 – GULP. However, this beauty filled with recipes for indulgent and delicious cruelty-free treats was only R100! For a hardcover cookbook – that’s a WIN.

The One Hundred and One Dalmatians

by Dodie Smith

Did you know that this Disney classic was a book first? It’s one of my favourite children’s classics and it’s surprisingly difficult to find! So, when I saw it at the Warehouse Book Sale, I had to grab it. The book is (as usual) even better than the film and can be enjoyed by both adults and kids! It’s a beautiful, illustrated paperback that costs only R60!


Whatever your preferred genre, the sale will have something for you. It’s a fantastic event where bookies from all over Cape Town come together and fill their carts with books from our wishlist that we can finally afford!

Plus, in case we start to run out of energy from all-day book-hunting, Brew Etc Coffee (@brewetc on Instagram!) will be there for your daily (or hourly) caffeine fix! And they have almond milk, which puts them very high up in my good books.

Card facilities are available at the sale and you can find out more by checking out these pages:









See you there!


Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx

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