2019 BOOK RELEASES I HAVEN’T READ YET // my extended 2020 tbr list ft. the amazing books i missed out on last year
I don’t even know why I’ve been so excited to write this post since I’m literally just calling myself out on all the books I didn’t read last year.
Go me… on brand??
Truly it is.
We know I’m on brand when this post is so old that I’ve had to take books off this list already since it’s… May. Wow, Ruby wow.
Hopefully, I’m not setting myself up for failure this year. But I’m thinking I can do this. I made my most anticipated 2020 releases quite short so fingers crossed.
This is also technically a list of books I want to get to this year, thereby it is my extended 2020 tbr. However, if you’d like to see my official 2020 tbr then you can click here!
Eeppp, just watch this catastrophically E-X-P-L-O-D-E. Here’s to my failure. Cheers *clinks glass*
We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal
I just KNOW I’m going to enjoy this one, it was one of the few YA fantasy releases that I was genuinely interested in last year. Fantasy and I have been having an iffy relationship lately whoops. I’ve interacted with the author a little bit too and she’s SO nice. All I really know is that it’s an Arabian fantasy and whenever I mention it I always get tons of comments about how good it is. SO I’M READY FOR THIS BOOK!
The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu // Ghosts of the Shadowmarket by Cassandra Clare & other authors
So, of course, I was the worst Shadowhunter fan last year and didn’t read any of the latest releases. So now I’m like three books behind, which is VERY BAD LUCK. Which is why you have permission to slap me if I don’t get to them asap. I plan on getting to all of them before my Chain of Gold reread. It is my LIFE MISSION AND I AM DETERMINED.
I think I didn’t prioritise them because they’re both co-written and not Cassie’s own work, you know. I also need the other short story collection to get to before Red Scrolls. AND I WILL READ THEM. I don’t kid when I tell you to slap me.
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
I,,, feel like I’m the only person who isn’t raving about this book and have intense FOMO. Seriously. Why have you ALL read it and I didn’t even know about the book until now? I don’t own a copy yet so I should fix that? Anyways all I know is that this book is gay and dystopian. And that is literally all I need to know because I’m already sold.
Repeat: I MUST READ!!!!!!!
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Tbh this book scares the heck out of me. And you may be thinking its because of the mixed reviews, but those make me more curious. But no, it’s not that. It is the topic. If you don’t know, I am the biggest scaredy-cat. And um, creepy things… creep me out. Duh Ruby. No, but seriously, apparently this book is very dark and involves dark magic. So sacrifices and stuff like that. And I mean Sabrina creeped me out. So you all better pray for me. I can handle adult content but we’ll have to see. Fingers crossed we love this one. I’m super keen to get into dark academia so let’s hope I don’t chicken out.
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron
As we’ve previously established, me and YA fantasy have not been great friends. I don’t know what it is but they just all seem similar? This one is an exception and I am so so so excited to read it. The author is also SUPER nice omg. All I know is WITCHDOCTORS. And West-African inspired fantasy. And I’m just so down for that!
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
This book has been getting so much hype omg!! Especially recently since the sequel came out. I wasn’t too interested in a while, but then it got described it as just a really good angsty YA fantasy which could be a fun time. I’m down for that. I actually tried reading it but I really need to be in a really specific mood. It’s full of drama. My friends all tell me the author puts a really good spin on the Beauty & The Beast story so we shall see *crosses all fingers and toes*.
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynne Herman
This is compared to Stranger Things AND The Raven Boys which hi hello my new soulmate of a book. I’M HERE FOR THIS?? Two of my favourite series EVER?? I know I’ll love it. I LOVE strange goings-on in small towns. I also know there are Riverdale vibes, which hmmm maybe not. But I mean it could be done really well.
Also THOSE EDGES!! I need to stop screaming about pretty books, I know. BUT I CANNOT HELP IT. I shall hopefully be getting to this one super soon because ahhhh, I know I’m going to have a great time.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
I’m giving myself a pass seeing as this only came out late last year and I only got myself a copy in December for my birthday. Also, it’s big. Also, I still need to read The Night Circus. It’s fine. I’m definitely not in trouble.
Trying not to be superficial, but the UK edition (especially this hardcover) has NOTHING on the US one. What do I know about this book? Only that the writing is stunning and that it has libraries and a boy discovering a book knows everything about him. Mysterious. I HAVE FOMO.
I do have this on audiobook actually (gifted by Libro.fm) so I’ll most likely read along which shall be fun. I read like the first page, technically sentence but I didn’t need any more, and I could TELL it could be a new fave. Pray for me.
Call Down The Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
I actually have an excuse for having not read this yet. I swear it’s a valid one. I don’t remember like A THING from The Raven Cycle, which I’d really like to reread before starting this. Is that enough? Yeah no Ruby, we thought that was one of your favourite series. I should stop talking to myself.
Not to be annoying, but this cover is WAY prettier than the US one. You can’t deny it. Also, I am currently in the middle of book one so let’s hope it sticks (I’ve been having trouble reading lately). Side note: that I hear there is some Pynch, not a lot, but a little AND I NEED IT.
Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman
Again, I didn’t even know this book was coming out until everyone started talking about it. That would just my obliviousness though ahhhh. But I ADORED The Illuminae Files, I binged the heck out of them last year and they were absolute favourites. And the synopsis of this one SOUNDS FANTASTIC. All I know is that there’s a group of ragtag space cadet rejects. Which sounds brilliant. AND I NEED IT. But I’ve heard fairly mixed reviews so I hope it lives up.
When The Sky Fell on Splendor by Emily Henry
What do I know about this book? Basically nothing. Apart from the fact that it’s compared to Stranger Things. Which is all I need to know. Are you even surprised?
Oh, also I do really love Emily Henry, especially her writing style. I read her most recent release and LOVED AND FREAKING ADORED so I’m now on a mission to read every book she’s ever written. Wish me luck.
Supernova by Marissa Meyer
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this series. I love stories about characters with special abilities. It’s like my kryptonite. HA get it *wink wink*. Okay, I’ll stop. But OMG that last book had a SERIOUS cliffhanger. Totally wrecked me. Flew out of the park and hit me in the freaking face. So I’m so curious to see where the story goes from there.
I again started reading this book but got sidetracked by exams so put it down. But I’ve also heard that this one isn’t as good as the others, which makes me nervous. The series is really fun and enjoyable though so we should be fine.
Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds
I didn’t even know this book existed until I got a surprise package from the publisher one day, and I read the back and thought wow that sounds so cool. And now I’ve heard quite a few good reviews, and the author again has been SO NICE. And I just really badly want to read this book. Firstly the cover is super cute. And from what I can gather it’s about this boy who meets a girl and somehow she keeps dying, so he travels back in time to try and fix it. I think. I may be getting it totally wrong.
But I am just SO EXCITED to read this, I really want to support the author and screech about it from the rooftops. So this one is definitely high on my priority list this year. Also apparently Emily Henry recommends it so that’s a bonus. For sure super high up on my 2020 tbr!!
On The Come Up by Angie Thomas
Did you guys know that I am in fact the worst reader ever and only read The Hate U Give last year? Shocker. I’ve already kicked myself in the gut so you don’t have to. But yes, I am that person. And in the true fashion of being a book blogger and never reading books, even though you can clearly see I own an ARC of this one, I haven’t read it either. Even though I started it and was LOVING it. Go me??
To explain, I don’t think I was in the contemporary mood. And that author drama also put me off a little bit. Oops. Regardless, I still really want to read it and support the author. I think I’m going to really love this one so that needs to happen. Please and thank you Ruby’s chaotic mood reader brain.
Frankly In Love by David Yoon
Before we start talking about how much of a failure I am, can we just take a second to appreciate how pretty the UK cover of this book is?? Like it takes the cake and by far beats the US edition. Literally FIGHT ME!! THE PINK!! Okay, screaming session over.
I was SO HYPED to read it when it was just coming out. Idk why but I was just sitting there like NEEDING this book. I think I was possessed tbh because that was really something. Anyways, I still really am excited to read this one. I mean the husband of another author writing his own book = GOALS. I also really want to read more books from Asian authors, I’m also getting serious To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before vibes. Right?? I’m not the only one seeing this.
Again but Better by Christine Riccio
Well I mean do you blame me?? I… didn’t read this because of the mixed reviews. They put me off a bit. BUT I did win this one on audiobook so I have it ready, and I really liked the narrator. Plus, I’m on the lookout for books about going to college. Because #relatable HA. But yeah… let’s hope it doesn’t suck.
How To Make Friends With The Dark by Kathleen Glasgow
Literally didn’t even know I wanted to read this book until a few weeks ago when I saw it on sale and bought it on an impulse. I heard some buzz around it early last year. And apparently I shall cry a lot. Also again THE COVER!! The US cover designers get a point over here.
With The Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo
I really loved her debut The Poet X and her most recent release sounds so good. It’s not told in prose but it’s about cooking and being a teen mom and I’M SO EXCITED!! Also super excited about her book coming out this year told in verse!! Can’t wait.
The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
Have I ever read a Ruta Sepetys book before? No, no I have not. I definitely plan on it now that I own some of them though. This is another case where I just internally hyped this book up in my head. LIKE A LOT. Not that I think it’s going to be bad. It’s the opposite. But I was just SO EXCITED to read it. Exams sort of got in the way and I had to put it down. But what I had read I LOVED.
Historical fiction is low-key my favourite genre now, I’ve been adoring it so much. It’s set during the Spanish Civil War and follows two characters at a hotel, one of them is a maid and the other the son of a rich family. He’s also a photographer. But omg this romance sounds SO up my alley and I’d really love to learn about this period of time. So yeah VERY much looking forward to this one.
Capturing The Devil by Kerri Maniscalco
Okay to be fair to myself, I did only recently start this series. Like a month before this one came out. And I only actually got the book as a late birthday present. So I haven’t had it for that long. But if I don’t read it soon then I’m afraid I never will whoops. I read the first two books in October and really enjoyed them, they were super fun. But lowkey hated the third one, omg couldn’t stand it.
For those who don’t know, this is the fourth and final instalment in the Stalking Jack The Ripper series which is an 1800s mystery historical fiction series. I did start it on ebook but ended up putting it down to wait for my physical copy, but was pleased that it was VERY different from Escaping From Houdini. Which yes, if you were wondering, I am going to forget ever existed. Because was it necessary? No, not really. Anywayssss, enough on that. Moral of the story, I need to not put off the last book in the series.

It’s Lu Again
OMG CALL DOWN THE HAWK AND FEVER KING!! Fever king has been STARRING at me from my shelf for soooo long and I really want to read CALL DOWN THE HAWK BC RONAN BC ADAM BC!!! EVERYTHING
Ruby Rae Reads
omgggg lu making me laugh!!! FK is freaking glaring at me too agh I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HYPE IS ABOUT. But also it has ‘fever’ in the title so is it a good idea to read rn??
Also lu ahhhh screaming!! I’m rereading The Raven Boys and i’m freaking loving it all over again and must get to CDTH *insert heart eyes*
It’s Lu Again
yeah i started reading it a little… it seemed really good!! omg no the fact that it’s got ‘fever’ in it makes me want tor read it even more!!!
OMG HAVE FUN REREADING IT. MY HEART EXPLODES AT THE THOUGHT OF READING THOSE BOOKS. (I might reread the last one just to break my heart)
Ruby Rae Reads
I mean… maybe I could read it but. Idk if during a pandemic is the best time. Haven’t decided yet
Ugh we have too much love for The Raven Boys. Adam and Blue are being lowkey rude to my bby child Gansey and I,,,
It’s Lu Again
yeah i totally get that!!
ahhhhhh omg we do <3 oh nooo bbbyss stop being MEAN to each other
Ruby Rae Reads
Gansey just out here trying his best pls I beg you to stop
It’s Lu Again
Gansey needs all the love
Ruby Rae Reads
which we’re there to give
It’s Lu Again
no doubt
Ruby Rae Reads
i cant even
It’s Lu Again
Ruby Rae Reads
I, Ruby Rae Reads, solemnly swear to protect Sir Richard Gansey III with my life. At all costs.
It’s Lu Again
CALL DOWN THE HAWK!! I absolutely loved it and you need to read it asap!!
Ruby Rae Reads
Lais @ The Bookish Skies
this post called me out so bad, omggggg. i have SO many titles in my 2019 TBR, and that’s without looking at the backlist titles. i am really aiming at reading all the books from 2017 and before that i still want to, but it’s a harder task than i imagined, considering there are also a lot of 2020 releases i want to read at the same time. the saying: “too many books not enough time” never made more sense, lol.
i do agree with your friend that the twist a curse so dark and lonely puts in the beauty & the beast original story is very interesting. it is a very default fantasy, in my opinion, but it was entertaining enough. i think brigid kemmerer’s writing style also made this very easy to follow!
i also have not read call down the hawk yet, even though ronan was one of my favorite characters in the raven cycle. i think what’s keeping me from reading it is the fact i will have to read it in english, even though i read the entire first series in portuguese, so i will have to re-learn a bunch of names. and i also don’t remember a thing about what actually happened in the raven cycle, but not like i was paying close attention to the plot anyway, lol.
the mixed reviews for aurora rising also put me off initially, but i ended up actually really liking this one! it’s different from the illuminate files in the sense that introduces us to a lot of alien species and such, which i actually found to be really interesting. i loved the cast of characters and they totally made this book for me!
opposite of always was a nice read, even though i had my problems with the ending. it wasn’t what i expected, but the characters are great and its focus on family/friendships was pretty awesome too.
wishing you all the luck on conquering this TBR!
Ruby Rae Reads
Well I also called myself out so don’t feel too bad haha. But also omg sameee, most of the books on my 2020 tbr are like all 2017 titles. It was the year I started my blog so I got behind catching up on other backlist titles whoops. We relate to “too many books, not enough time” on a VERY spirital level it seems *cries*
Okay cool. I’m going to try get to Curse as soon as I can. I did start it like a while ago but tbh was just not feeling it. I wasn’t loving the relationship between the Beauty & Beast characters, I am willing to give it another go though. Just to see what the fuss is about. I do want to read her other titles as well:)
Ah I hope it gets translated so you can read it!! I’m literally currently rereading TRC (for the same reason) AND UGH OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Literally wanna do another post like my hunger games one because wow its the best. So I’ll be getting to CDTH super super duper soon!!!
omg aliens?? I’m intrigued. I’m hoping *fingers crossed* that I’ll enjoy.
I have,,, high hopes for Opposite of Always. It seems like something I would enjoy so *more fingers crossed*