RUBY’S BOOK CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE // a smol list of books that would make great presents this holiday season
Happy holidays! (to everyone who celebrates)
This may be a little late and therefore useless if you’ve already done all your Christmas shopping, so I apologise. But if not then yay, I have a purpose in life.
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Anyways, I wanted to do some fun Christmas posts this year, but haven’t read basically any books that I think would be good enough. I do however have a couple of books on my shelf that I think would be really cool gifts for your family and friends.
This isn’t your usual gift guide and I think these books are pretty under the radar so I hope somebody finds this useful. This list is lil more personal because they’re books I’d love to be gifted (even though I already own them lmao) but without further ado, let us get into it.
For a food lover:
Recipes From The World of Tolkien
by Robert Tuesley Anderson
I honestly didn’t know this existed until recently but it is SO COOL. And they are so many great recipes like Pork Pie, apple loaf and all kinds of foods from the LOTR world. It’s beautifully illustrated and would be a wonderful gift for a fan of the world of Tolkien.
Synopsis from Goodreads:
“If you’ve ever wondered what a Hobbit, an Elf, or a Dwarf might eat in a day’s meals, this cookbook is for you! Whip up some tasty fare with recipes that cover all six mealtimes from the realm of J.R.R. Tolkien. Divided by the time of day, these recipes use modern ingredients and culinary techniques, and American measurements. A great resource for Lord of the Rings parties, this book is a perfect way to experience real food that tastes like a fantasy!“
Thank you kindly to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending this my way!
For a classic collector:
The Puffin in Bloom collection
Illustrated by Anna Bond.
I was gifted this a late birthday present last year and it is probably by far my favourite set of special classics editions. I mean LOOK. They’re not new to the shelves or anything but I just love them so much and if you know anyone who doesn’t own these adorable children’s classics yet or is a collector like many of us, they’re perfect.
It includes:
➤ Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (one of my favourites!!)
➤ Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
➤ A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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For a classic collector (part 2):
Mina Lima editions
➤ The Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson
➤ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
These are the Mina Lima special editions, of which there are also various others including Beauty & The Beast, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book and The Secret Garden. But these ones are super special because not only are they illustrated, they are also INTERACTIVE. And just such stunners to have on your shelves.
Thank you kindly to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending these my way!
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For a classic collector (part 3):
The Famous Five by Enid Blyton
In photo: Hodder Children’s Book special edition
Ah I’m sorry, I just had to include this one because it’s one of my favourite editions that I found a while back at a Christmas sale. I ADORED this series as a kid and though it doesn’t age well, I still love collecting editions of it since I borrowed most of them from the library or bought them on ebook.
Anyways, I marathoned literally all like 21 of them about twice, and moved on to The Secret Seven as well so I think it’s great to gift to a young reader.
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The Famous Five’s Survival Guide
I also wanted to include this fun book that I was gifted a while back, honestly don’t remember when but it was my most treasured book as a kid. And if you know any fans then it’s a great gift.
Synopsis from Goodreads:
“The Royal Dragon of Siam is a treasure lost when a ship sinks off the Isles of Scilly. This is the only mystery never solved by the Famous Five – and here’s the opportunity for readers everywhere to solve it themselves, using all the information presented for them by the Five – with lots of useful information on surviving outdoors, too.”
For a fellow YA reader:
Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom collector’s edition by Leigh Bardugo
Now you’ve got to be careful with this one because there’s like an 80% chance, this is according to very real statistics, that the person you’re gifting this to already owns it. But if not, then it’s perfect.
I adore these editions and actually don’t have book two yet so Mum if you’re reading this hehe. But I always love gifting book series and gifting both of these would be such a lovely present!
Thank you kindly to Pan Macmillan SA for sending this edition my way!
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Some other special YA editions:
- Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo collector’s edition
- City of Bones by Cassandra Clare 10th anniversary
- Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare 10th anniversary
For a history geek:
The Colour of Time: A New History of the World, 1850-1960
by Dan Jones, illustrated by Marina Amaral
This book is probably the coolest book EVER and yes I am that history geek. Got this one as a birthday gift from some of my dear friends but it’s honestly so cool and nobody has talked about it.
Basically, they’ve taken all of these old black and white iconic photographs and through meticulous research, added colour to them. Alongside each photograph is also a very detailed description of the photo and its context within the respective historical time period. SO COOL AMIRITE. Highly suggest gifting this one because it’s honestly just!!!!
Synopsis from Goodreads:
“From the mid-19th century, many of the most celebrated moments and personalities in modern history—from Gettysburg to Hiroshima, and from Lincoln to Churchill—have been captured for posterity by the camera lens. Marina Amaral uses digital techniques, underpinned by painstaking research, to colourize 200 such images embracing an entire century of world history. The results are revelatory, transforming the monochrome of early photography into the vibrant hues of real life. Statesmen and soldiers, as well as the faces of hundreds of ordinary people, thus appear in dramatically vivid guise. The images are organized in 10 chronological chapters. Each image is accompanied by a 200-word caption by best-selling historian Dan Jones, telling the stories behind them. A fusion of amazing pictures and well-chosen words, The Colour of Time offers a unique—and often beautiful—perspective on the past.”
For a film lover:
by Elizbeth Weitzman, illustrated by Austen Claire Clements
Oh wow, this book is such a treasure and one everyone needs on their radar. It’s a small little book but details all of these iconic women of film and tv. It’s also illustrated and includes a brief background of each of the lovely ladies. And ah it’s so cool and such a great gift!!
Synopsis from Goodreads:
“A charmingly illustrated and timely tribute to the women who broke glass ceilings in film and television, debuting during a historic time of change in the entertainment industry.
Renegade Women in Film and TV blends stunning illustrations, fascinating biographical profiles, and exclusive interviews with icons like Barbra Streisand, Rita Moreno, and Sigourney Weaver to celebrate the accomplishments of 50 extraordinary women throughout the history of entertainment. Each profile highlights the groundbreaking accomplishments and essential work of pioneers from the big and small screens, offering little-known facts about household names (Lucille Ball, Oprah Winfrey, Nora Ephron) and crucial introductions to overlooked pioneers (Alla Nazimova, Anna May Wong, Frances Marion). From 19th-century iconoclast Alice Guy Blaché to 21st-century trailblazer Ava DuVernay, Renegade Women honours the women who succeeded against all odds, changing their industry in front of the camera and behind the scenes.”
Thank you kindly to the author and Penguin Random House for sending this my way!
And there we have it, my friends. I hope this list helped you out in some way, and be sure to let me know if you use any of my ideas!
I also just wanted to link to other useful gift guides from some of my favourite blogs:
- Veronika’s Holiday Gift Guide
- Meredith’s YA books for under the tree
Happy reading

emme @ a literary latte
These covers are all stunning!!
Ruby Rae Reads
Omg right?!?!? *insert heart eyes*
Sophie @ Me & Ink
I loved this list SO much. I love how you set it out and all the different ideas. The Tolkien recipe book looks gorgeous *heart eyes* and sounds amazing, I love it !! I have a little ‘geek’ recipe book but one dedicated to Lord of the Rings when it is that beautiful is so awesome !!
Classics really do have some amazing editions !!
The Colour of Time sounds SO cool, I hadn’t heard of this before but wow !! And the Renegade Women book also sounds phenomenal !! I love how many different ideas you’ve included!! Thank you SO much for sharing !!
Ruby Rae Reads
Thank you so much Sophie, so glad you liked it ilysm <3<3 Omg right?!? That recipe book is so awesome. Also you NEED to get The Color of Time, it's the coolest book. Happy holidays
Caro @ bookcheshirecat
Oh, I love this holiday gift guide and that you included so many books that I hadn’t heard of 🥰 🎄 Another ‘untypical’ bookish gift I love are coloring books (there are some great ones for book series) as I find them so relaxing 💕
Ruby Rae Reads
Thank you so much Caro, I was kinda nervous to post it actually. Also YESSS colouring books are such a great gift idea <3<3
Jessica C Writes
This was such a fun gift guide!! I don’t gift a lot of books to friends for the holidays because none of them are big readers, but this gave me a few ideas for some of my family members!!
Ruby Rae Reads
Thank you so much Jess! Same here haha, I have a couple family members who like to read but not all that many. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas xoxo
Kay @ Hammock of Books
tbh I like the original covers for Six of Crows more than the collectors edition haha but 10/10 I would still appreciate someone giving me any edition of the books because, really, can someone possibly have too much six of crows in their life? the answer is no
Ruby Rae Reads
Okay yes, you can’t beat the original cover ITS JUST TOO ICONIC!! And I’m 1000% with you, I don’t *need* the collectors editions but they’re so pretty and I have no self control lmao
ahaana @ Windows to Worlds
yes yes yes!! all these covers are so so beautiful!! tank you for this amazing guide ❤
Ruby Rae Reads
Eeeep so glad you liked it Ahaana!! Thank you for stopping by, hope you had a wonderful Christmas <3<3
awesome gift guide! the puffin in bloom collection looks really beautiful. also WOW six of crows collector’s edition is just..it’s in a league of its own. i have been eying that for the past year in waterstones haha.
Ruby Rae Reads
Ah thank you so much!! I ADORE the Puffin In Bloom collection so so so much, it is stunning <3<3 One can never have enough editions of Six of Crows hehe, you def need to pick it up one day *wink wink*
Stephen Writes
I read this post too late to ask for any of these things as gifts lol, but they all look beautiful! I really need to read to read Six of Crows soon, even better if I get that special edition 😍 Great post, Ruby ❤
Ruby Rae Reads
Ahaha add it to your wishlist this year. Almost said next year but replying in 2021, so happy new year. Thank you for being the kindest <3<3
Stephen Writes
Happy New Year, Ruby 🥰