Monthly Recaps

AUGUST RECAP // I read my most anticipated release of the year and sobbed ft. more books, new Lorde album & mental health update

Oops hello long time no talk…

So hey, how are we doing?

Life has been crazy crazy crazy and I’ve been struggling a lot lately, which I’ll get into later. Anyways, let’s get on with the books!

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Seven Days In June by Tia Williams {★★★★☆}: this book… wow honestly such a wild ride and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE! I’m not quite sure how else to describe this but if you’re going to take any of my recommendations, it’s this one. This book just does SO much and is such a brilliant new romance I could cry. If you’re a fan Beach Read and Get A Life Chloe, Brown then you’ll LOVE this book. I’ve already done a whole blog post review because I’m just that person now (nope really not but stroke my ego a lil bit, won’t you) but please go read this and then come scream at me *wink wink* Big thanks to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending my way!

Kill Joy by Holly Jackson {★★★★★}: yelp don’t even comment on that 5 star, I don’t know who I am either. I honestly have no explanation apart from the fact that this novella was highly enjoyable and I loved every second of it. I listened to it partly on audiobook, which was brilliant. Pip is just my absolute icon and that’s it. I guess GR review here, read if you dare!

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes {★★★★☆}: ugh wow this book is honestly one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. Ms Emily Henry recommended this one (as well as my aunt, funnily enough, haha) so of course I had to give it a go. And it was just so refreshing and such an interesting blend of genres. The premise is just so unique and I gobbled up every word of this book. Such an enjoyable read, read longer GR review here < 3

To Love Jason Thorn by Ella Maise {★★☆☆☆}: Unfortunately to not love Jason Thorn nor this book all that much welp. So uh… I read this book in 24 hours. And I went through a plethora of feelings. The premise sounded excellent, but it just really didn’t deliver and it mostly lies with the romance. I was so looking forward to brother’s best friend / marriage of convenience between a romance author and an actor starring in her movie but um… they had no chemistry. Don’t really have all that much to say however stay tuned for next month because I read another of this author’s books and I was VERY surprised. More ranty thoughts in my GR review,,,

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Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson {★★★★★}: I,,, wow,,, words,,, are,,, hard,,,, THIS BOOK SERIES IS MY NEW DRUG AND IT’S A GREAT TIME! I don’t really know how to quickly give my thoughts and I do have a full blog post review coming your way at some point. But just know, you absolutely need to pick these up if you haven’t, it’ such a fantastic debut YA thriller series. It’s got amazing characters and such a unique way of storytelling. I half-listened to this on audiobook, which are done so well with a full cast and sound effects and the works. Also SO excited for my copy of book three omg. Sit tight for that post but more thoughts here!! Big thanks to Penguin Random House SA for sending my way <3<3<3

The Score by Elle Kennedy {★★★½☆}: Welp you’re all probably mad at me but I… didn’t like this one as much as The Deal oops. I also 100% skipped book two so you can be mad about that too. I just,,, don’t vibe with romances that start out as a one night stand. I like the slow build-up to the big moment and this just didn’t have that. It was a lot of fun, don’t get me wrong, I only bumped off half a star. Allie and Dean had a really fun dynamic, the guy who doesn’t date but only does when he finds a girl who is just as crazy as him (trying to keep it PG here, if you could tell). I just didn’t vibe with them as much as I did with Hannah and Garrett. More thoughts in my GR review here

Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong {★★★★★}: IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN IM IN PAIN!!!!!!!!! Oof I honestly haven’t sobbed so hard because of a book in a very long time WHAT THE ACTUAL?!?!?! I’m not going to say much else here because I’ll post my 2k word review closer to release but this book is now visible on my all time faves shelf, and this series is YA perfection and is just so reminiscent of my OG faves I LOVE IT SO MUCH. If you don’t like it, your opinion is wrong!!!! Biggest thanks to Hodder UK for blessing my life with an eARC via Netgalley ~ out 16th of November *hyperventilates* If it wasn’t obvious, this book would get a 1000000 stars if it could!!!!!!!

All Rhodes Lead Here by Mariana Zapata {★★★★☆}: I really didn’t think I would read this book but Mariana Zapata has me in a chokehold apparently. She’s also the only one who could mend my poor broken heart after my last read. MZ’s latest follows a slightly different formula than her other books, but I think it really worked for this specific story. It’s still slow-burn, but it isn’t only a romance, it’s also about starting a new life, finding your place and your people and overcoming grief. And it’s beautiful. MZ is just so good at creating these tangible relationships that feel so real and it’s probably my favourite part of her books. This one has single parent (kinda, you’ll see), age-gap, stunning friendships and lots of outdoorsy adventures. It’s a great time. If you love Mariana Zapata’s magical touch just as much as I do, then you definitely need to read this one. Longer GR review here!

Huge thanks to Penguin SA for sending all of these my way:

  • Off The Record by Camryn Garrett
  • The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzpatrick
  • Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
  • When The Sky Fell on Splendor by Emily Henry

Big thank you to Jonathan Ball for sending these two my way:

  • An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
  • Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

Still on my second hand book shopping game and found these ones:

  • What Momma Left Me by Rénee Watson
  • Watch Us Rise by Rénee Watson and Ellen Haghan
  • Solitaire by Alice Oseman
  • Lore by Alexandra Bracken
  • Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu

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August was very boring in this department apparently. Mayhaps it’s because I’m incredibly late with this post or it’s because it was just a black hole for me but STILL.

The only interesting film I have to mention is Zootopia, which I decided to rewatch and it’s honestly a masterpiece. I also watched a couple Charlie Chaplin films for Film class, amongst others. But nothing that interesting.

However, we were blessed with Solar Power by the one and only Lorde, aka my saviour. I did indeed die and go to heaven. Can’t believe were blessed with this album really. Anyways, it’s amazing and my favourites are The Path, Solar Power, California and Mood Ring. I haven’t entered my sad song phase yet so they’re all happy and upbeat. Go listen N-O-W !!!!!!!

Oh and ABBA got back together in August right? We’re definitely living a fever dream.

I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, probably not and that’s actually more than fine, but I haven’t been very active lately. I’m backlogged with comments on here and kinda of just dip in and out over on Instagram. The reason I say it’s more than fine is just because I don’t feel the need to apologise for not being online everyday. I don’t have to be update the Internet all the time, we all have things going on and that’s just life. Anyways… yeah, I’ve not been very creative nor motivated at the moment, and therefore just have not found energy to create content. I’ve just barely been managing to get uni work done so… I don’t know where I’m going with this welp. I suck at being vulnerable nor do I want pity so I guess I’m saying that everyone goes through stuff and that’s okay.

Again, I’m bad at being vulnerable so I don’t really have all that much else to say.

But lots of love to you all and if you’re suffering with mental health, you’re not alone xoxoxo



Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx


  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    Welcome back, Ruby! Happy to hear from you again ❤ I’m so excited to see that you loved Good Girl, Bad Blood! I have been meaning to read it and my library just got the audiobook 🥰 Your book haul is also looking great, I spotted Ace of Spades and I really want to read it as well! I’m planning on reading many spooky books/thriller/mysteries this October 👻

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Caro!! Ah hello!! Thank you for stopping by <3<3<3

      Hope you love Good Girl Bad Blood omg. I just love being in that world!! The audiobooks are fantastic *wink wink* hope we both love Ace of Spades also.

      Lots of love to you xoxoxo

  • Xandra @ Starry Sky Books

    Hi Ruby, I’ve missed you! I’m so happy you loved Our Violent Ends, and that it lived up to the first book!! I still haven’t finished These Violent Delights yet but I’m almost done, and I’m loving it so far! I’m ready to cry!

    I’m glad you’re still able to find some motivation to read and blog, but of course it’s always okay to take breaks if you need or want to. You deserve it! Thanks for sharing an update, and you’re definitely not alone xx

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Xandra oof huge apologies because I’m a million years late to replying to you but lots of love to you xoxoxo

      Eeeeppp you’ve probably finished TVD already and yay IM SO GLAD YOU WERE LOVING IT. Get ready for OVE to wreck you *nervous laughter*

      Tysm for the kind words and I hope you’re doing okay <3<3<3

  • Marta @ of waves and pages

    Hello hello!! I missed reading your posts <3 Though I'm very much a ghost around here as well, I haven't been feeling motivated to create much lately, and life has been incredibly busy and overwhelming. But it is as you said, we don't need to apologize for not being online all the time, and we're all doing our best. Hopefully October will be a better month!! And I'm SO scared to read Our Violent Ends, especially after your comments now!!

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Marta!!! Ugh love you!!! Apologies for taking so long to get back to you on this!!! Need to catch up with your blog posts asap <3<3<3 hope you’re doing okay, especially if you’ve now read OVE haha *nervous laughter*

  • Marie

    I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling lately, I’m sending you all the love and light and take your time with content creation, do it whhenever you really feel inspired and like it. That’s what matters the most. Sending you all the love and hoping for the very best for October! <3

  • Lais @ The Bookish Skies

    NOT ME IN OCTOBER FINALLY GETTING TO THIS POST ok im sorry i love you ruby!!! reading your review and thoughts on our violent ends has made me very excited and also Very nervous to read it? i think it’s going to be amazing but also not prepared tbh.

    also: lorde & abba’s new music is AMAZING. i heard a lot of mixed thoughts on solar power, and while it doesn’t match my love for melodrama, i still think its a really fun record.

    i hope things are going alright & that you find motivation and creativity again! hope you’ve had a great couple of months❤️❤️❤️

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      NOT ME IN FEBRUARY FINALLY REPLY AHHHH *hides* Truly do sorry Lais bc I love you and have so many of your posts to catch up xoxoxo

      Idk if you have read OVE or not but you need to now omg ITS SO GOOD!!!!! So agree on Solar Power. I love more songs off Melodrama than SP, but SP has some amazing ones omg <3<3<3

      Tysm for the kind words and all the love back!!!!!

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