Monthly Recaps

JULY RECAP // tons of reading, vacation bliss, st4 broke me & back to uni ft. some new fave books

I read a lot of books. Like a lot. And it feels so good. Are you proud of me?

I’m also fairly on time with this. Double proud.

God, I’m conceited and I’m talking too much about myself. This is my blog, but not the Ruby show. I need to get it together. Anyways, let’s just get into this recap!!!

See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon {★★★★★}: I was actually really nervous going into this as I’d seen some average reviews, but I’m absolutely here for college contemporaries and time-loop tales. It’s a great time. This book was just pure escapism and I loved every second. I loved the writing, the setting, the discussions on mental health, and the relationship between Miles and Barrow. It was all squeal-worthy and wonderful and I loved it to shreds. If you can’t already tell, you definitely need to hop on this stellar new adult time loop contemporary romance that will make you feel all the feels over and over and over and over again. This one shines with witty dialogue, swoon-worthy romance and tender-hearted characters. I HIGHLY recommend!!!! All the thoughts here *insert heart eyes*

Addicted To You by Krista & Becca Ritchie {★★★☆☆}: don’t know how I got here but I did and it’s been a lot (and the roller coaster is still running). Overall I was skeptical and found this first one okay. I was hesitant about the addiction representation and whether it would be romanticised. This book was actually overall short so I didn’t have many solid opinions until the next one. Full review here xx

Ricochet by Krista & Becca Ritchie {★★★★☆}: Somehow this book crept up on me and I’m still suffering from severe whiplash wtf. As you can tell, I approve of book two and the addiction representation. This book came for my heartstrings and IT WAS A FREAKING LOT. Like I LOVED this book. I loved the pining and the characters sure, but it really did the severity of addiction withdrawals so well and IT HURT LIKE HELL!!!! They seriously should combine these last two books because she really had me. GR review here *cries*

Addicted For Now by Krista & Becca Ritchie {★★★★☆}: This book was everything and I’m addicted to Lily and Lo 5ever. It’s a problem, I adore them to shreds. And my emotions went wild with this book, definitely my favourite of the series so far. Lily and Lo truly are my new everything and I adored watching these two broken souls piecing themselves back together. I also LOVED the therapy representation in this book, which sounds weird but a lot of the time when characters go through therapy, it’s very inaccurate but I really related to how Lily interacted with her therapist. I GET THE HYPE!!!! GR review here xoxoxo

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren {★★★★☆}: Bruh I tried to read another book but we weren’t vibing and somehow I landed up on this reread. My reading habits make sense to nobody. Anyways, seriously obsessed with this cover and finally shall own a copy of this book in her stunning glory soon. I actually loved this book more the second time around, but I also don’t have it in me to up the rating. Like I feel like I love it more so maybe my first rating was too high??? Idek. A stunning book nonetheless, and if you haven’t been living under a rock then you should read this. GR review here!

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston {★★★★★}: OOF THIS BOOK WAS EVERYTHING AND YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE. Seriously, there’s some typa crack in this whacky adult contemporary about ghostwriters and an MC who can see ghosts and editors haunting said writer’s hometown. I LOVED EVERY MOMENT. Definitely a favourite of the year and this book is everything I didn’t know I needed in my life. I’ve only read one YA book from this author but adult romance 100% suits her. Anyways, this book had me near tears and giddy with laughter and I am obsessed. It was funny and crazy and romantic and swoon-worthy and melancholic and lighthearted and what a perfect blend in my opinion. Flo and Ben are my new faves and you need them in your life! Eye open for a review, though you can read the rest of my yelling on GR here <3<3<3

A Lady For A Duke by Alexis Hall {★★★★★}: Hit a reading slump for a hot second, until this masterpiece of a book saved my soul and what a time to be alive!!!! Someone needed to force me to read this book earlier and I’m mad at you if you didn’t because SHE WAS ALSO EVERYTHING!!!! Didn’t know I needed this glorious historical romance with disability and trans representation in my life this badly, but it was absolutely stunning. THE YEARNING BETWEEN VIOLA AND GRACEWOOD FRIENDS!!!!! Ugh, their romance had my heart in a death grip and it didn’t let go I WAS GIDDY BEYOND BELIEF. I seriously didn’t expect to love this as much as I did, but it was just stunning. From the writing to the dialogue, to the costumes and wonderful conversations and everything about this book READ IT RIGHT THIS SECOND!!!!! More in my rave review here but you should open that other eye xoxoxoxo

Thrive by Kritsa & Becca Ritchie {★★★★☆}: Yeah so I skipped Kiss The Sky, which was my biggest disappointment because I love Rose and Connor but bondage is just really not for me and I don’t get it. I couldn’t do it, so luckily half of this book recapped the events from that book. That aside, Lily and Lo continuously break me, and their relationship is so special. It hurts but it’s also beautiful. Moment of appreciation for my favourite moment when Lily hides under Lo’s shirt, you know the scene I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! They continue to struggle with addiction and relapsing and from my opinion, it’s done well. More thoughts here *cries*


A thank you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending these my way:

  • Elektra by Jennifer Saint
  • Mean Baby by Selma Blair

And to Penguin Random House SA for these romance spoils:

  • Mr Wrong Number by Lynn Painter
  • Set On You by Amy Lea

As well as a huge thanks to Pan Macmillan for fueling my YA era:

  • Only On The Weekends by Dean Atta
  • My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth

Bought these for myself:

  • Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood (left at uni oops)
  • Arctic Summer by Damon Galgut
  • Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (Canterbury Classics edition)

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I think I’ve literally only been watching Gilmore Girls, which doesn’t count for much since it’s about rewatch 10000

The only noteworthy thing I watched was Stranger Things 4 Volume 2, which came out July 1st, though it feels like aeons ago. But I cried and I’m still a mess!!!!!!! I have no opinions for you yet because I need to watch it again in non fever dream format preferably *cries into oblivion*

Oh, I also went to watch Top Gun: Maverick in the cinema, where l looked like an idiot when I thought it was IMAX 3D with glasses on and no-one else was wearing them lmao. All I have to say is that you can tell it’s decent if you can get me to care about fighter jet action scenes. Do with that observation what you will.

Lowkey July was boring I only read books heheheh

What even happened? I don’t know, my memory sucks today. We can thank the semester for starting up again, which is the only memorable event, but I’ve only been back like two weeks. But no more vacation for me, it has been a sad two weeks. But also cool to be back on campus. I got sick on week two, which was a joy. Much better now, but still.

I promised you a more exciting recap but time is a concept I am unaware of at the present moment *hides*

I’ll leave now


Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx


  • Stephen Writes

    Wow, it looks like a brilliant reading month Ruby! 😍 I’m really glad to hear that. So excited that you got a copy of Elektra, I enjoyed that one and Jennifer Saint is a great author. Oryx and Crake is unusual lol, but in a funny way I kind of enjoyed it. I had a great reading month in July too – I read As Good As Dead and I was like 😱😱 Also if you haven’t read Daughter of the Moon Goddess then you absolutely MUST!!!

    Have a lovely August 💙

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Stephen!!! Omg I’m the worst but THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY!!!!

      Ugh July was a time when I actually read books lmao. But excited for all the books, especially As Good As Dead but I’m nervous. Were you happy with the ending? Will def get to Daughter YOU HAVE ME CONVINCED ahhhh

      All the love xoxoxo

  • Sophie @ Me & Ink

    Yay for finding so many favourite books! And congrats on reading so many!! I would love to read A Lady for A Duke and The Dead Romantics because they sound amazing!! It makes me so happy to see you loved them!! ❣️ I didn’t realise Only On The Weekends by Dean Atta was such a thick book… I hope you enjoy it!
    Yes I am still recovering from the stranger things finale too…. all the emotions!! 😭
    Best of luck on your next semester Ruby! ❣️

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Sophie omg sorry this response took years, but love you!!!

      READ THEM RIGHT THIS SECOND OR ELSE!!!!! I’m not even kidding bc they’re so good and I need to yell with someone *sighs*

      Right omg ITS HUGE!!! A lot of verse in there lmao

      You are the bestest, ilysm xoxoxox

  • Caro @ bookcheshirecat

    So happy to see that you loved See You Yesterday, I’m about to start it today and I’m very excited!! 🥰 I’m also so hyped for The Dead Romantics and A Lady for a Duke ❤️ I hope you have a good next semester!

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