Book Tags

EVERMORE BOOK TAG // the belated book tag but at least i finally listened to this album ft. books i love, fave romances and lots of tears

Indeed I am 123456789 years late and none of you care about this tag anymore, but I can live with that. I think.

It was a Monday and I saw this still in my drafts and here we are *cue nervous laughter*

The creator of this tag, my dear friend Rhi, is currently on hiatus and her original post is unavailable to view, but do feast your eyes on the stunning graphics. Big thanks to the wonderful Olivia for tagging me, love you so much! I,,, can’t remember if anyone else tagged me.

 I’ve tried my hardest to talk about books I don’t talk about all that much. Or at least often? Hopefully, you haven’t heard me talking about them all the time, I guess we’ll see. Enough rambling and let’s get started!

A Million Junes by Emily Henry

I mean what a fun song. I absolutely love it as the lead single, the instrumentals are just stunning and I even like the 90s trend line #sorrynotsorry

As for a book, I decided I needed to choose a book with a romance that felt fated, one I NEEDED them to be together so badly, and this immediately stood out. I recently reread this book on my mission to catch up on my queen Emily Henry’s backlog and this Romeo and Juliette-esque YA fabulism is literally everything! It’s a book I wish I could have written and oh so me!!!!!

If you’re also behind, then get up and go read k that’s all. Review here *wink wink*

Rose and Connor
from Kiss The Sky by Krista & Becca Ritchie

I mean, this bridge is absolutely amazing and I will die on that hill.

Anyways, I actually struggled to come up with an answer but then it hit me and I’m sorry internet but I really can’t stand them. I tried reading this book and I’ve also tried their other book but yikes definitely not it. LOVED the idea of their two personalities whilst reading the Addicted series, but I cannot do their bondage thing. And Connor’s ego is too much for me. So yeah, there are my two cents.

A Lady For A Duke by Alexis Hall

My brain maybe exploded when I listened to this song and its hands down my favourite on the album, maybe in the top favourites from Ms Swift? I couldn’t tell you yet, all I know is that this song is P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N. I don’t make the rules.

And this spot could go to no other than one of my recent favourite reads that has absolutely stolen my entire soul I adore it so much. This book had me by the neck and was choking me the entire time OMG ITS SO GOOD. I really didn’t expect to go into this book and be so instantly captured, but the skies above blessed my life and it’s great down here. I’ve screamed about them in my blog review recently so I’ll just send you over there, but Viola and Gracewood are everything and you need to drop everything on this historical romance <3<3<3

Seven Percent of Ro Devereux by Ellen O’Clover

Ty for this wonderful Christmas song Tay, you’re the best!

I tend to not like fake dating actually, but then I read this book and I realised I actually do, it just needs to be done right. This means they need to be ex best friends and then I’m happy. Ro was my first book of the year and we love finding a new favourite. This is a YA contemporary about a girl who creates an app that goes viral and is all the fun but also heart-breaking and everything I look for in a book. I just conducted an interview with the author and I loved chatting with Ms Ellen, so feel to give that a read xoxoxo

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

To be honest, I never listen to this song but lyrically she’s a punch in the gut and I have nothing but praise there. Just not my typa song.

I had to think for a second on this one but immediately knew it had to be my child over here that I love dearly and am still here to yell about. I am ashamedly behind on the sequels (!!!) but only because I’m waiting for them to be available in book format, but ugh I need to be back in this world. If you haven’t read this heartwrenching but beautiful YA contemporary with found family and lovely prose, then you are missing out READ IT NOW!!!!!

See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon

I am obsessed with this song oh my actual goodness, what genius-ery am I witnessing?!?! A murder mystery wrapped into a song with shifting point-of-view narratives OH SO GOOD I ADORE THIS SONG!!!!!

I didn’t know what to use for this prompt but I realised I barely talk about this book and the ending was so on the nose and Rachel Lynn Solomon is so good at that. This is a new adult Groundhog day contemporary about two freshmen who find themselves repeating their first day of university over and over again. So this messes with the space-time continuum whatever (I’m not a science person folks) and it ended in the best way possible. Go read it, I swear you’ll be grateful *wink wink*

Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

Oops I literally forgot about this song and I even listened again and… welp I still don’t remember it.

But I do love this book and my gal Penny quite a lot so hopefully, that makes up for it. I am embarrassingly behind on Ms Choi’s other books especially since I loved this one so much so I need to fix that. But reading this book was a religious experience. Truly. I had not identified with someone so deeply as I did with Penny and oof a punch to the gut. Everyone who hates on these characters are just wrong and the way anxiety was depicted, so me that it’s scary. Here’s your reminder to go read this, more thoughts in my review xoxo

Kate In Waiting by Becky Albertalli

I don’t listen to this song often, but she is definitely catchy and love the name Dorothea. I think that’s it.

I wrote a guest post for Wordsworth Books and was reminded of how wonderful the friendship is in this book so here I am to marvel some more. I mean yeah, there’s some romance which I love, but mostly it’s a YA contemporary about theatre kids and platonic friendships that is thoroughly adorable. So there you go, go read it for all the feels. I even participated in the blog tour so click here for more thoughts *insert heart eyes*

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I,,, also don’t listen to this song often but the vocals are pretty amazing and we love that.

Terribly late to this party and this answer may be cliche but I don’t care because I finally read it and you weren’t lying about the writing. I aspire to have even a pinch of the talent Ms Erin Morgenstern has between her fingertips. But wowza so stunning. Master storytelling, characters, setting and even romance. I loved this book and please don’t take as long as I did to read it lmao

After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Hey broken record here, don’t listen to this very often. I like it but not as much as my other favourites.

This book was going back and forth between the prompts and she had to go here. Meet After I Do, the definition of hard choices aka do I divorce or work on my marriage? This book will tell you. Maybe also squeeze your heart. Hard. And it’s so good. Also deserves more hype. This is an adult fiction about Lauren and Ryan who take a year apart from their marriage to see if they want to give it another try or end it there. Didn’t think I’d be here obsessed with marriage in crisis and being completely okay with them getting a divorce. Yup me, the hopeless romantic. Taylor Jenkins Reid can do magic is my only explanation. Lots of thoughts in my blog review <3<3<3

Grishaverse from Shadow and Bone

Finally a smooth record in here because I ADORE this song. I overlooked her in the beginning but the bridge is EVERYTHING AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!

I,,, struggled with this prompt and this answer isn’t perfect because lowkey Ravka is a scary place. If I could be a crow then I can handle that but still. Kaz might kill me you know. Anyways, I’m currently under stern instructions (from myself) to finally read Shadow and Bone this year before season two or you have permission to shun me. I would deserve it. I recently reviewed the Darkling origin story graphic novel if you’d like to give that a read!

Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

This song is an absolute bop and I love it a whole lot so there you go.

I had multiple choices and I comfort read many favourites, but this one is particularly special because it took over my whole life and oh yeah, she’s in the profile picture. I read this book a couple of months after it came out I think (ha pun)? And just fell head over heels in love and I read whenever I need happiness. You all know what it’s about by now, it went viral on BookTok and all. Crossing my fingers the movie is decent and not awful and does these boys justice because I love them. Get on this NA queer romance between the fcitional prince and the president’s son, it’s amazing!!!!!!!

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

My heart hurts with how much I love this song and I did not expect too so much but oof it hits. Marjorie is one of those that I slowly began to love but eventually was so high up and I love it here.

And I instantly had to use this book here because oof she does but this book is also so much more and YOU NEED IT IN YOUR LIFE. It’s so completely mad: it involves ghosts and seeing ghosts and dealing with the death of a parent and it’s set in the publishing world,,,, Did I mention the stunning romance? Because that too. Ghostwriters and small towns and hot editors I AM IN LOVE!!!!!! My review is up for your reading pleasure xoxo

Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter

Back to record here. Mind is blank. I do not remember this song lol

But I love this book and these characters and I think the author has beat us to it with more content so fingers crossed. It’s literally being announced today and I’m so excited. I read this book in 2021 I think? And it was so adorable, but I really started loving it once I read the bonus chapters which seized my heart with cuteness. Wes and Liz are literally the bestest and you need this YA contemporary enemies-to-lovers fake dating but not really that talks about grief in your life right this second! I interviewed the author recently if you’d like to hear more about the cuteness *wink wink*

Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong

Love Bon Iver but unfortunately never vibe with their songs on these albums? Just not my melody but the instrumentals are amazing!!!

Had to be this book. Could never be anything else. I had all the tears and will not heal until the upcoming book comes out next month. I am scared but so very ready. No book made me sob so hard in a long time and it was a lot. Happened at like midnight when she stomped on my heart geez. You all know by now how much I love this series but if you’re new here hey I am in love with this Romeo and Juliette retelling set in 1920s Shanghai with guns and rival gangs and oooooh *CHEFS KISS*. The best new young adult series I’ve read and I will throw myself in front of a bus for it. More tears in the review here, you’ve been warned,,,

Oh almost forgot. I’m doing it for the questions and you’ve probably done this tag already, but feel free to if you haven’t! And that’s it. Thanks for your patience and for waiting so long on this one, love ya xoxoxo


Hi, I'm Ruby: chaotic mood reader, aspiring writer and lover of movies. If you want to know more, feel free to peruse xx


  • Sophie @ Me & Ink

    I love this tag and it has reminded me that I need to check out more of TS’s songs– I only know Willow and No Body, No Crime from this album but I did love these songs. Especially the latter!
    I really enjoyed Emergency Contact too! It felt so attentive to the character’s emotions and I love the character’s passion! I need to read more of Mary H K Choi’s books too. It is shameful that I haven’t already!
    Okay, you really made me need to read After I Do immediately! Maybe this will be the year I finally get to Reid’s backlist!!

    • Ruby Rae Reads

      Thank you so much for stopping by Sophie <3<3<3 ooooh there are some stunning songs on this album so you definitely need to catch up *wink wink*

      Agh glad I’m not the only one behind on Choi’s books but WE GOT THIS!!!

      you need to read After I Do right this second IT IS EXCELLENT

  • rhi


    i love your answer for evermore, our violent ends DEVASTATED me beyond belief. i’m also excited to read after i do at some point, i just finished my third tjr and loved it like always.

    miss you !!!! idk when i’m back but !!!! hello for now !!!

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