ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS FOR THE LIEBSTER AWARD // reflecting on my early blogging days ft. my rating system, favourite albums & tbr books
Say hello to a post I’ve left abandoned for 6 months. But also thank you Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea and Lais @ The Bookish Skies, for nominating me, who are literal angels and I love them a lot. Honestly can’t believe that you people actually like me. We’re doing both sets of questions today because I’m late as per usual. Nothing new here. Grab a snack because this might will be very long, but I’ll try to keep my answers short and less rambly welp. Anyways, they’ve left some questions to answer so that is what we shall be doing today. Click for important links!! – https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ – https://blacktranslivesmatter.carrd.co/ – https://trans–rights.carrd.co/ – https://pendingpetition.carrd.co/ – https://blacklivesmatter.com/ – https://getinformed.carrd.co/# THE RULES Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you Give 11 random facts about yourself Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination Give these blogs 11 questions to answer CAITLIN’S QUESTIONS What book do you think would make a great TV show? (Take note: not movie) I did some research (by research I mean I just quickly googled it and scanned the page for approx 3 seconds) and…
NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOURTH ANNUAL BOOK BLOGGER AWARDS // my favourite book bloggers who you should be following! ft. all the squealing & making up lost time
I have absolutely NO idea why I didn’t do this last year so this is long overdue. But we’re also here to spread the love and shower all the amazing bloggers with love because they deserve it. And I feel like I’m making up for lost time ya know? Truly what was I even doing this time last year that I didn’t participate? And the years before that. Memory, who is she? I have been slowly picking up the blogging game and especially as of late trying to blog hop as much as possible. Because I’m terrible at it. But we’re getting there. So quite a few of my nominations I’ve only recently found and/or interacted with. None of these lovely bloggers needs my shoutout but I want to do it anyway. Also, before we get into it, let’s just credit the brilliant hosts: May and Marie, who are amazing and I love and admire them a lot. Big thanks for putting in all the effort you two! Let’s just proceed on with the nominations < 3 Also before we get into, wanted to give a big thank you to anybody who has nominated me and that you’d even consider…
REAL NEAT BLOG AWARD // my first ever nomination ft. school subjects & happy books
Hello there friends! So apparently I was nominated for a blog award?? And I didn’t know about it until recently so am I only now getting around it welp. A huge thanks to Daria @ Bookaholic’s Therapy for nominating me, so sorry it took so long. Anyways, I’m just going to answer all the question and hopefully not fail at these. THE RULES Display the Award Logo. Thank the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their blog. Answer the questions from the blog who nominated you. Nominate 7-10 bloggers. Ask them seven questions What is a book that made you happy? My immediate thought was to say Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston but in the spirit of trying not to be repetitive as I usually am, we’re going to go with Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks. I don’t think I’ve talked about this one too much so I decided it needed some spotlight time. This a graphic novel and also lowkey my all-time favourite one (of the ones I’ve read so far as I only started reading them last year). It was just such a delight. The art style is just…