NOVEMBER RECAP // I turned 20, listened to red tv, watched 2 new fave movies & read 4 books
Manifesting that Ruby makes time for posts other than recaps and miscellaneous reviews. Honestly slapping myself across the face for it. It’s terrible. I have time but I don’t have it in me to do any of the 100 end of year posts I am usually doing this time of the year,,, Praying that a productivity wave hits me at some point in the near future. Big yikes. I’ll stop talking now though so we can get on with what happened in November. — Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz {★★★★☆}: Welp it’s been a second since I read this one as I finished it on the very first day of last month. But it’d been on my tbr for a while and I’m so glad I finally got around to it. As expected, this book was an absolute delight and brilliant YA contemporary romance. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH CUTENESS THIS BOOK IS ADORABLE *INSERT KEYBOARD SMASH* Can you tell I thought this was cute? Because I really did. This book deals heavily with chronic illness and teens dealing with chronic illness. Our main character has rheumatoid arthritis and love interest has Gaucher disease. And they meet and fall…
OCTOBER RECAP // essay mania but at least I discovered some new all time fave books and movies
I AM FREE FROM THE SHACKLES OF ESSAYS AND IT FEELS SO GOOOODDDDD Ugh anyways I did disappear again, so this post is late (as usual) but hey least all of my reads last month were 5 stars *wink wink* Let us just get into it! — The Love That Split The World by Emily Henry {★★★★★}: I declared October Emily Henry month and I’m not mad about it. I finally recovered from my adult romance bender and fell into the beautiful and graceful arms of Emily Henry, who I *was* so behind on but as you can tell, I’ve caught up. Anyways, I did start this at a time where I was focused on essays so I read it over quite some time but nonetheless it was brilliant and seriously EH’s debut? Shooketh. I’ve said this approx 123456789 times but she could write a shopping list and I’d still be mesmerised. This book broke my brain but I absolutely adored it. I read it at just the right time and wow I so connected to Natalie on a level I didn’t think I ever would. It’s been a second since I read a book where I saw myself in…
SEPTEMBER RECAP // a month of adult romance, book mail, tv shows, essays & finally listening to evermore!!
Uni kicked me in the butt yet again but hey, at least I read 4 books! Living my bestest life… not. But actually yes. Let’s get into it! — It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover {★★★★☆}: It’s been a hot second since I read this book because I think I finished it the very first day of September. I also didn’t plan on ever reading it, as I was under the impression that this author was problematic, not sure where it came from. Anyways, as you can tell by the rating, I enjoyed this book HOWEVER I want to place a heavy emphasis on how incorrectly marketed it is. The BookTok girlies are shouting about this being a fun NA romance when IT IS NOT!!!! Trigger warnings are not a spoiler and this book is about being in an abusive relationship, so please be aware of this before you go into it. Idk maybe I’ll do a full review for this book because there’s a lot to say and talk about. More thoughts in my GR review here. – Marriage For One by Ella Maise {★★★★☆}: Wowee colour me suprised because I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH WTH?!?!?! If…
AUGUST RECAP // I read my most anticipated release of the year and sobbed ft. more books, new Lorde album & mental health update
Oops hello long time no talk… So hey, how are we doing? Life has been crazy crazy crazy and I’ve been struggling a lot lately, which I’ll get into later. Anyways, let’s get on with the books! – – Seven Days In June by Tia Williams {★★★★☆}: this book… wow honestly such a wild ride and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE! I’m not quite sure how else to describe this but if you’re going to take any of my recommendations, it’s this one. This book just does SO much and is such a brilliant new romance I could cry. If you’re a fan Beach Read and Get A Life Chloe, Brown then you’ll LOVE this book. I’ve already done a whole blog post review because I’m just that person now (nope really not but stroke my ego a lil bit, won’t you) but please go read this and then come scream at me *wink wink* Big thanks to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending my way! – Kill Joy by Holly Jackson {★★★★★}: yelp don’t even comment on that 5 star, I don’t know who I am either. I honestly have no explanation apart from the fact that this novella was highly…
JULY RECAP // oops vacation made me a reading machine ft. book mail & a readathon tbr
Hey hey friends and how are you all doing? Unfortuneatly streaks never last when it comes to recaps, as you’ve all probably noticed I’m a tad late to this one. Not as late as quite a few other times though. I can only do so much folks. Anyways, apparently I read A TON last month and I’m also now a superhero. Let’s get into it! – Last Chance Books by Kelsey Rodkey {★★★☆☆}: not going to linger on this one too long because I honestly don’t have all that many thoughts anymore. According to my GR review, I finished this on the very first day of July, so that explains a lot. I had high hopes for this one but it unfortunetaly was just rather average. I didn’t hate it, but expected more. It was also weirdly sexual for a book about only just over 18-year olds. Idk that didn’t sit with me very well. Teens have sex, yes, but I don’t need to read about them sexually thirsting over each other. Read for a fun NA contemporary, I guess. – Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid {★★★★★}: TJR HAS DONE IT AGAIN AND I LOVED THIS BOOK!! Listened to…
JUNE RECAP // assignment mania, audiobooks & end of semester
Hi hello there and how are we doing today? You’re probably bored by the number of times I open recaps with “I’m trying to stay on top of these” but I really am trying. Better than posting midway through the month with a double recap. Anyways, let’s just get started! Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert {★★★★☆}: Would you believe it if I told you that I actually listened to this book on audio? Because I wouldn’t. I technically read it alongside the ebook, but still! *pats self on the back* Anyways, this book was for sure my favourite of the Brown Sisters series. She was so so so cute. I’m planning on doing a whole review so I won’t say much. Just know I loved the writing and the characters and it was all ADORABLE. Big thanks to Harper Collins for the eARC via Netgalley and ALC via Libro.fm <3<3 Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan {★★★½☆}: eyyy look I finally finished it!! Took literally forever to read the final 20% of this book because I’m a terrible human. Anyways, this was such a fun YA contemporary. I loved the characters and the anxiety representation. The…
APRIL & MAY RECAP // book mail, reading and essays oh my!
Welp has it been a while, my friends. But hi hello I’m currently using this blog as a form of escape so excuse any unusual activity from me. So as you can see by the title, this is 2 months in 1 as I didn’t get around to a recap last month. Will I do this once a year? Methinks yes. Anyways, let’s dive right into what I’ve been up to these past two months! Kulti by Mariana Zapata {★★★★☆}: it’s the way I went into this thinking I didn’t like age-gap romance for me. But omg it was so great. I think I’ve narrowed down that I love romances between two athletes. I think I’ve said it all in my GR review (also it’s been a while and my memory doesn’t function anymore) so head on over there. But the banter was A+++ and I loved the friendship development. Sal and Rey are literally everything and deserve the world. Need to get my hands on MZ physical copies so I can admire them at random intervals of the day. – Kate In Waiting by Becky Albertalli {★★★★½}: oh gosh did I love this one so much. I participated in…
MARCH RECAP // start of 2nd year uni ft. book shopping & a 5-star read
Hello world, no I am not dead. However, in my mind posting twice in one week gave me the liberty to disappear for two weeks. You know what you signed up for here on this blog. I made no promises. Or maybe I did, I don’t really know anymore. My brain is kinda numb right now. I’ll stop rambling because we have much to discuss. So let’s goooo!!!! The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas {★★★☆☆}: Look, I actually did eventually finish this book. Unfortunately, since we last spoke about it, my enjoyment went down. Which is why you haven’t seen that post from me, because I don’t want to give this a really negative review. Because it is not terrible, it’s just not my kind of romance. Which is totally fine. I really enjoyed the writing style, the characters and romance were just not for me. Full GR here < 3 – Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi {★★★★★}: I,,, wowee literally just finished the book the other day and have still not been able to recover. Also yes, your visual of a 5-star is correct as I LOVED this one. This book was excellent. If you read it…
FEBRUARY RECAP // the month of tv & movie love aka welcome to my reading slump chaos
Now I could be wrong but I heard, you know through the grapevine, that February sucked universally. This statement may be bold and I’m glad if it didn’t suck for you. But it certainly did for me. You wanna know why? Because I didn’t read a thing. I tried to. I did read things. I just didn’t finish anything… Love that for me. So I have no wrap-up to share with you today. I can share my current read and the books I’d like to read in March. Because I definitely do need to read something this month aghhhh. I was going to say that February was cursed or something else that is as vaguely exciting. But I did read books in February of last year for class. So oh well, it is just me and not the month. Anyways, here’s what I have been reading for basically the entirety of February: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas: I was (and am) so so honoured to have been approved an eARC of this one by the stunning author @thebibliotheque and I have been slowly making progress with it. I’ll tell why it’s been slow in a second. I have…
JANUARY RECAP // hello 2021 ft. content planning & much reading
Today, you witness a miracle, my fine friends. You know why? BECAUSE THIS RECAP WAS POSTED ON TIME. I think we should all just take a second to soak it all in. And also so I can pat myself on the back. Let’s ignore that Valentines Day is in approximately two weeks. We have books to keep us company in this household. We’re definitely not alone in this household, no ma’am. I’ll stop now, let’s get into it. The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata {★★★☆☆}: You may be thinking that it’s very unfortunate that my first read of 2021 was a 3-star but in full honesty, I couldn’t care less. I 99.9% believe that it shan’t represent the rest of my reading year. I did really like this one, it’s not a bad 3-stars, more of an “I don’t have much to say”. I know this one is a fan favourite and I can tell why. From Lukov with Love is still my personal fave but this one and Dear Aaron are fighting for second place. This book is INCREDIBLY slow-burn, like so slow you might pull your hair out. Can be a good and a bad…