ROMANTIC MOVIE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WHILE YOU’RE STUCK AT HOME // distracting yourself part 1: for all the feels and touching moments
Yes, I am indeed hopping on this sort of trend as I get my blogging mojo back. But also the world is super messed up right now, so I wanted to help you out, take your mind off this very stressful world. I kinda know my way around the “rom-com” genre, not to brag HA. I’ve seen basically all of them. I may not have a life but it’s fine. I want to do more movie recommendation posts. Anyways, I lowkey hate the term “romantic comedy” because usually there’s never anything comedic about the movies under the category. Now’s not the right time for this debate though.Β The point is, these movies are supposed to be uplifting. Which is perfect for this moment in time. I’ve been gravitating a lot toward these types of movies so hopefully, this post can be of some use to you as well. P.S. all the movies I’m mentioning are on this list I’ve made on Letterboxd which is a platform I’m lowkey OBSESSED with and highly suggest you use. Especially if you’re a film buff like me *flips hair* Ha I almost had you fooled. You thought that I wouldn’t be talking about all the…
MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF 2020 // being blessed with the book adaptations and more exciting releases
So um hi, it has been a while since I talked about movies over here. It’s just been BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. It’s also been a while since I posted, my January recap is late, but I really wanted to get this up. Yeah, I started uni and it’s been quite hard. So I disappeared off the internet for a bit. Whoops. Anyways, I KNOW I always do these posts late, I just never get the time to do them before the end of the year. AHHH A CONSTANT STRUGGLE. Also, I hope I don’t bore you with this content, as I’d really like to start doing more movie posts. I hardly watched any movies last year which is why they were so scarce. But I have a ton of ideas for this year and I guess we’ll see what happens. Anyways, without further ado let us just get into it. ANIMATION Onward (4 March 2020):Β All I needed to know was that Tom Holland is in this movie. Well, he’s a voice actor. Same difference. Also, there are purple men. I need it in my life. Oh and Chris Pratt but eh I don’t care about him as much. Soul (17…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // it’s been too long so i’ve seen a lot of movies
So I was just browsing to see when I last did one of these and I realised it was LAST YEAR?? How did this even happen?? I blame it on myself for never posting. Anyways, I want to revamp these posts a little more and make them a little more interesting, but I’m not sure how yet. Today I just have a lot of films to talk about, but plans are being made. Anyways if you couldn’t tell by now I really love movies. I’m glued to my laptop 24/7 investing myself in fictional character’s lives. It’s fine, I’m fine. (Ruby please stop rambling). But enough of my rambling, let’s just get into the million movies I’ve seen in the last 6 months (!!) Excuse me if these are vague though because as I said it’s been a while. X-Men: First Class From what I remember of this movie (because I watched this like after New Years) was that I really loved it. I’ve become super obsessed with X-Men recently. Like really obsessed. They’re legit some of my favourite superhero movies. I loved how this one really ties historical elements into it, especially because I was studying the era it’s…
FAVOURITE MOVIES & TV SHOWS OF ALL TIME // you just need to trust my recommendations and go watch them okay
This post has been a long time coming. It’s been sitting as a draft for aeons and I’ve just never put the time into it. BUT you all know how much time I spend watching movies, less with tv shows but when I watch a show I become obsessed and do not stop. So I’ve been meaning to put together this list, it won’t be as long as you’d think it would but it’s here nonetheless. Let’s go! We’ll start with the movies, now I couldn’t come up with 5, I don’t know why I keep trying to add it but I never can so only have four to share with you. Incredibles 2 Now, this movie you probably know I cannot stop talking about since I went to see it last year. I wasn’t that into the franchise until I rewatched the first one just before the second was released and I was so blown away. I saw it twice in the theatre and have seen it multiple times at home afterwards. I just truly didn’t think I’d love it like I do let alone be as invested as I am. I just love it so much. I love…
BEST AND ALSO MOST DISAPPOINTING MOVIES OF 2018 // (and late 2017 because I can)
Why my movie-related posts are always late idk it’s a mystery to me too. Also, I really apologise for being so inactive with my posts. I’ve been really lacking creative ideas and thus haven’t had anything to upload. But I do have a few in the works and hopefully, I get back into the swing of things and come up with some posts… I’ve really just kind of been taking a break and not forcing myself to post anything. Anywho, I hope this quenches your thirst of Ruby’s amazing and interesting posts. One other thing, none of these are “backlist” movies except the late 2017 movie releases because 1) Β I usually can never watch them when they come out since I don’t live near a cinema and that’d be expensive and 2) I did watch all these movies last year and needed to fill up my list. Enough rambling, Ruby, just tell them about all the movies. I said in the title, these are just the most disappointing movies. Some may come as a shock to you and you may be thinking: but why they were so good? Well, I was underwhelmed, it’s not that they’re all terrible, I just…
Review: ARCHENEMIES // nobody gave permission for that ending ft. superhero movie recommendations
[Disclaimer: Pan MacMillan sent me a copy of this book in exchange for a review, this post is not sponsored. I just wanted to recommend you some movies] The first book before Archenemies, Renegades, is about superheroes if you didn’t know, which is why I thought it fitting to talk about superheroes in this post. Title: Archenemies Series: Renegades book #2 Author: Marissa Meyer Page count: 471 Date published: 6 November 2018 Genre: Young Adult sci-fi & fantasy Thank you, Pan MacMillan, for sending this book my way! Rating: (4.5 out of 5 stars) GOODREADS SYNOPSIS In Renegades, Nova and Adrian (aka Insomnia and Sketch) fought the battle of their lives against the Anarchist known as the Detonator. It was a short-lived victory. The Anarchists still have a secret weapon, one that Nova believes will protect her. The Renegades also have a strategy for overpowering the Anarchists, but both Nova and Adrian understand that it could mean the end of Gatlon City β and the world β as they know it.Β WOW!! What a book! How did it just end like that??? SO RUDE. I AM SHOOK!!!!! Where do I even start? Btw, this is a sequel so there isn’t…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // i have so many conflicted feelings that i'm drowning
So I, uh, don’t actually have as many movies to talk about as I usually do?? I usually am very overwhelmed with the amount I add to the list… I must be ill or something. Anyways, I’m just going to get into it. I hate intros tbh, what are they?? Pitch Perfect I’ve said this a million times in these reviews, but I’ve been giving movies I thought I loved/disliked in the past another shot and I am thoroughly surprised at how my opinion changes. I watched this when it was popular years ago, and LOVED IT. I was so obsessed but now I really have come to notice it’s flaws and issues. I didn’t not like it, but I found some lines very offensive and had issues with the characters. I really love the performances, that’s one thing that will always impress me. I really don’t know how to word this properly: I feel topics like mental health and sexuality weren’t dealt with properly. The characters definitely have mental health problems and they were kind of sidestepped and not addressed properly. Idk how to say it without being confusing, I just felt like all these characters had mental issues…
MOVIES AND TV SHOWS I’M EXCITED ABOUT IN 2019 // my heart will be destroyed this year
Eyy I forgot I did this post at the beginning of 2018, so here we are because I spend most days staring at a screen watching movies. I don’t actually have a life, I know. DON’T JUDGE ME!! TV SHOWS Anne With An E – Season 3: Okay now I may be wrong, but I definitely am holding out hope that this comes out in 2019. We’ll see. I am obsessed with this show, it’s so good YOU NEED TO WATCH IT! Shadowhunters – Season 3B (25 February 2019): This show is not perfect, I know. But I still like watching it every week and am very bummed that they cancelled it. 3A ended on a cliffhanger and I’m really intrigued to see where 3B goes, I hope they don’t mess it up. Game of Thrones – Season 8 (April 2019): I forgot we were getting more GoT this year and I AM SO EXCITED. We’ve been waiting long enough and season 8 is going to be so intense, I’m SCARED! The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Season 2 (5 April 2019): I binged the first season of the show when it came out and it’s so creepy and scares…
You don’t even know how long this post has sat in my drafts and I’ve only now gotten to it… *nervous laughter*. I don’t have much else to say so let’s just get into this. HARRY POTTER I mean how could I not? I’ve watched these movies countless times. I’m really unoriginal, I know. My favourites are the last two, those are constantly on repeat. The set is amazing, the actors are perfect. I’ve loved them since I was 11 years old so I mean?? Is there really much else to say? LOVE, SIMON I know, I know, I did warn you that I was unoriginal. This movie was so good and quickly became a favourite. It’s such a good adaptation. The movie is adorable and perfect. They made one change that wasn’t my favourite, but the casting was so perfect. Click here for my movie review! I just,,,, BEFORE I FALL Okay, I have not read the book so I can’t speak as to how accurate the adaptation is, but if you didn’t know, I’m not an easy cryer. I mean it takes a lot to cry during a book or movie. But by the end of this movie,…
Review: WHAT IF IT'S US // Bargain Books collaboration ft. cuteness, many laughs and rom com recommendations
Title: What If It’s Us Author: Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera Page count: 437 Date published: 9 October 2018 Genre: Young Adult contemporary Rating: (4 out of 5 stars) GOODREADS SYNOPSIS: Arthur is only in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him anything, itβs that the universe can deliver a showstopping romance when you least expect it. Ben thinks the universe needs to mind its business. If the universe had his back, he wouldnβt be on his way to the post office carrying a box of his ex-boyfriendβs things. But when Arthur and Ben meet-cute at the post office, what exactly does the universe have in store for them? Maybe nothing. After all, they get separated. Maybe everything. After all, they get reunited. But what if they canβt quite nail a first date . . . or a second first date . . . or a third? What if Arthur tries too hard to make it work . . . and Ben doesnβt try hard enough? What if life really isnβt like a Broadway play? But what if it is?Β This book was sent to me by Bargain Books to read and review, but all thoughts…