MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // superheroes + many bad yet entertaining watches
I was sitting around one day and realised that it had been 5ever since I did one of these posts so here we are today… Also click here if you’d like to see my twitter thread of all the movies I watched and some aesthetics Twilight: New Moon A friend and I just really wanted to re-experience these movies and for some reason chose my least favourite one #noregrets. This was just a trip down memory lane and even though these movies are kinda horrible and the story is hecka problematic, I still loved rewatching. And the soundtrack is top-notch!! Avengers: Infinity War Why did I even watch this movie? I’m just left with a gazillion questions!! First off I missed the first 20 minutes when my siblings were watching it and I just landed up finishing it and THAT ENDING. I still need to watch the more recent extra movies like Guardians 2, Black Panther and Doctor Strange (I will before the next movie). I feel like this movie has made everyone freak but I’m like um they’re tricking us all. I’m not going to spoil anything but I KNOW there’s more. Anyways, I really loved this movie and…
TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE // movie review ft. me absolutely adoring this with my entire soul
OH MY GAWD I ACTUALLY HAVE NO WORDS!!! okay I have many but they’re mainly squeals and shrieks and me just not knowing what to do with myself It delivered everything I could have wanted and more I just,,,, it’s all perfection and I just ahhhhhhh REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH TO ALL THE BOYS NOW: where have you been? Have you not heard everyone’s screams? it’s on Netflix the romance is everything Lara Jean!! Kitty!! Peter K!! The fashion Sister dynamics JUST ALL OF IT WATCH IT NOW!!! Here’s the trailer if you’re still not convinced! I LOVE THE CAST THEY ALL DO THE MOST AMAZING JOB The sets are so beautiful It captures the whole vibe and feel of the book and has its own uniqueness I just love the cast and how they play the characters This movie makes me so happy omg I can’t even They’re all perfect The soundtrack is also epic It’s so funny!! MY HEART IS CONTENT I recently reread the book so check my review here Chris: she’s JUST SO GOOD. I loved her whole character. She’s a great friend to LJ and I liked her way more than I did in…
MAMMIA MIA! BOOK TAG // ft. epic soundtrack I listen to on repeat & a movie review (ish)
I know I’ve been so absent recently. I’ve been lacking the motivation to blog and school’s been keeping me busy. Anyways I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to chat more about my obsession with these movies and I saw this tag so BAM here we are!! I watched the first one the day before in preparation for the second Mamma Mia and I’m obsessed with ABBA again! It’s all brilliant and I loved it. I loved Lily James and the prequel story. I love all the music and cannot stop listening. I was crying IN THE CINEMA and am still an emotional mess #help I loved Cher and all Lily James’s songs. I also loved young Sam and all the original cast. THE TEARS AT THE END ARE UNREAL!! Pure beauty!! It’s all excellent and I love itttttt BOOK TAG The tag was created by Ashley btw so let’s just into it 1) When I Kissed The Teacher ~ name a book with a shocking plot twist: LORD OF SHADOWS OMFG I JUST CAN’T!!! 2) Waterloo ~ name a book you’re positive you’ll be in love with: To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo 3) Why Did It Have To Be…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // royalty, magical lands, superpowers, music & gardens
Um wow so I’m like a pro at being active on the internet #ha. No but seriously I’m awesome at disappearing for week long periods. Again click here for the link to aesthetics for all these movies 🙂 The Prince & Me Eyyy so I decided to watch this one again as inspiration for my book. I actually liked it a lot less than I remember. I love the main character Paige but didn’t love the romance as much. It’s still great but kinda a bit underwhelming?? Midnight Sun I was actually crying by the end of this movie. It was actually really good?? It stars Bella Thorne and it’s basically about a girl who cannot be in the sun and there’s a romance. Its a story about discovering yourself and coming out of your shell and I actually really enjoyed it. 10 Things I Hate About You So this is actually a weird story, don’t come at me: I thought this movie was SO overrated and thought that I’d dislike it. But if you didn’t know, I basically had a chick flick marathon so I decided to watch this one, you know because I’m older and can appreciate movies…
LOVE, SIMON // movie review ft. me gushing about the adorable-ness
I finally got to see and I’m dying inside. This movie man! It was so GOOD AND I LOVED IT. I had some issues but it was perfection otherwise. The characters are exactly how they should be and ahh just so good! I’ve seen it twice and am definetly going to see it on the big screen. REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO WATCH LOVE, SIMON: The representation The characters are amazing The pop culture references are awesome The casts’ smiles are everything It’s just great and needs to be seen To those who don’t know what this movie is about well let me brief you: Simon is gay but hasn’t come out yet. He starts anonomously emailing another gay boy at his school until someone finds them and blackmails him. The movie stays really close to the book. All the best scenes are in it and it’s a great adaptation and everything you’d want from the book. HERE, WATCH THE TRAILER: I took notes the second time around so have quite a bit to talk about!! Emily (mom): Jennifer Garner is amazing and she played the role so well, I loved it! Jack (dad): Also amazing! Nick: I was never…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // a chick flick craze
HELLO! So I’ve watched a TON of movies recently, and basically only chick flicks (high school hate to love romances in particular). DON’T JUDGE! Because I’ve had a grand old time and have found some new favourites. Anyways lemme tell you what I’ve been watching. Also click here for my list of aesthetics for these movies (my way of actually keeping track of what I watch) Sleeping Beauty If you’ve been following me around lately you know that I’ve also been on a bit of a disney animated princess kick. So I put this one on and like I’m surprised to say that I enjoyed it much more than I thought. I loved the music and the Prince is great and it was truly such fun! Ruby Sparks So I this movie and I was like THIS SOUNDS PERFECT. Basically, it’s about a writer who writes this character Ruby who he falls in love with. The first hour or so was great but then I started getting this weird feeling and it started getting really emotional which was not what I expected from this movie. It was really good don’t get me wrong but like I didn’t see the movie…
ANASTASIA // Russian history, princesses, thoughts + tag
So I’ve been in the biggest Disney princess mood lately. Don’t ask me why… i’m just a dork okay? AND I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS, hence this post. Anastasia isn’t really a Disney princess but she is a historical one which I’ll get into later. Anywayssss let’s go! I take history as a subject at school and we’ve been doing The Russian Revolution. I went into this movie having forgotten all about it. We’ve had the dvd (!!) and I’ve seen it before and had a vague overview of it. Anyway off topic and I’m rambling now… I didn’t know all that much. Then I start watching it and it’s literally what I’ve been doing at school which is SUPER awesome. I also researched it and there was a theory of a lost princess named Anastasia. About the plot: it all flowed very nicely. It was captivating and not at all boring. It’s funny and entertaining. I haven’t mentioned iit yet: GO AND WATCH if you haven’t! Rasputin (the villain): He’s your typical bad guy. He’s just so evil and determined which is want you want in a villain. Bartok (weird creature thingy): He’s that comic relief who isn’t…
FLIPPED: new fave movie // original tag, review + excited emotions
So as you can see this is my new favourite movie. I indeed did watch it twice in the span of 3 days and also would be my 3rd rewatch. So like if you haven’t seen this yet, now you know that you NEED to. We’ll get into why in a bit but like GO AND WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!! Okay I’m done screaming (probably not). Brace yourselves, prepare yourselves and ready your laptop/phone/tablet whatever you can watch this movie on. REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO WATCH FlIPPED well I told you to It’s adorable the story is relatable did i mention it’s adorable it’s told in such a unique way Juli is me I love it? is that enough of a reason?? okay so now that’s out of the way, i wanna tell you more I haven’t really told you what it’s about (do I really need to though?) but for those of you who don’t trust my opion, here’s a synopsis: When they meet in second grade, Juli Baker falls instantly in love with her neighbor, Bryce Loski. Bryce, however, does not feel the spark. From that day forward, he tries hard to keep brash and unpredictable Juli…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // Death Cure, Peter Pan, new fave & more
So I’m back again with some movie reviews! I hope you like these. Also I’m horrible at keeping track of what I watch so I created a thread of movies (and some tv) on twitter that I watch and I try to make aesthetics (but it’s hard) and they’re not great but I TRY. Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle So I have kind of mixed feelings with this one. I heard people say that it was really good but I disagree. I think it was decent but it didn’t feel like Jumangi. It was a little (in my opinion) cheesy and was more like a jungle game not like the original. With the original, you knew it was dangeroud and you felt that but I didn’t get that with this movie. Anyways I was really disappointed. Rip Tide I was browsing Netflix because I didn’t know what I wanted to watch. I saw Debbie Ryan and I thought ‘why not?’. Now I didn’t hate this movie, it wasn’t mind-blowing but I thought it was okay. I liked the plot line. The story was a bit off at times and I had no care in the romance but it wasn’t at…
MINI MOVIE REVIEWS // Greatest Showman, Paddington & more
Why is the ratio been movies and reading so drastic? This is my cry for help to pick up a book. I went into a mini crisis and didn’t feel like reading anything for week one of March and then when I did want to read I couldn’t because of I had to study… it’s a hard life. Anyways, I’ve seen a couple movies recently and really want to talk about them so here we are. Paddington 2 I was so excited for this omg. Loads were saying how cute it was and I couldn’t wait. I love Paddington so much, especially the audiobooks we had and this movie was so sweet. Paddington is so precious and I really loved it. It was so heartwarming yet sad at the same time? Basically, if you don’t know what these are about, well it’s about a little marmalade-loving bear named Paddington who comes to London and moves in with this family and is very clumsy. It was honestly so sweet and I highly recommend these movies! Pitch Perfect 3 I’m a huge Pitch Perfect fan. I love the first movie and thought the second was good and I waited forever to watch…