I'M WRITING A BOOK! // ft. the rising author tag(ish)
I actually have an idea for a novel and I AM SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA! I was struck with a story to write and I’ve bee waiting SO LONG for it to come. I have characters and a sort of story (not a plot yet though) and I just need to get writing. I’ve never actually written something for myself that isn’t for school so I’m super nervous and hoping it’ll turn it out well. I actually just need to get my act together and start outlining and actually get a story that is readable instead of just obsessing about the characters but this is all new to me so taking it slow here. Anyways since I have no idea what to talk about I’d thought I’d do a lil’ tag that looked cool. I wasn’t tagged by anyone and don’t know who to tag so please feel free to do it if you want to. Also, I noticed that there were multiple versions of this tag and I just compiled a list of some of the ones I wanted to answer so this isn’t the actual way to do this tag #sorrynotsorry ABOUT MY NOVEL So I…