Review Policy
Dear author or publisher,
Welcome to my blog and thank you for considering me to review your book, but please read through these so you know my preferences.
I try to read and reply to all emails and review requests, even I have to decline. Though due to life obligations, I cannot always respond promptly so please be patient.
I am also a university student and am piled with work, and as such, I reserve the right to read at a suitable pace and cannot promise that the book will be read in a specific time frame, though I will try my hardest.
If I am not enjoying the book and I cannot continue it then I will not force myself to read further, and you will be notified if so. I am a mood reader so please do not expect me to finish it in a certain period unless it’s a blog tour or a book with a reading deadline.
Genres I Read
I love to read the following sub-genres of Young Adult, Middle Grade and some Adult:
- Urban & high fantasy
- Contemporary
- Mystery thriller
- Historical fiction
- Sci-fi
- Magical realism
- Dystopian
- Romance
Forms I Accept
I am currently accepting review requests. I accept both finished copies and ARCs
- Physical books (preferred)
- Audiobooks
- Ebooks (.mobi format)
I live in South Africa
- Title & synopsis
- Release date, book cover, genre and page count
- A Goodreads link
- The format you are willing to provide
- Why you’re asking me to review
- A sampler of the book
- For authors: information about yourself, including your social media and website (if applicable)
I am also interested in:
- Blog tours
- Cover reveals
- Author interviews
- Book promotions (rates to be discussed, see media kit)
I include the following information in book reviews:
- Cover image
- Title
- Series and book number if part of one
- Author
- Release date
- Genre
- Rating (5-star system)
- Goodreads synopsis
Rating System
I use the 5-star rating system (including half stars) and here is how I rate:
5 stars: absolutely adored it
4 stars: really enjoyed & glad I read it
3 stars: was okay but didn’t blow me away
2 stars: was not great and really didn’t enjoy it
1 star: disappointed and wasted my reading time
Where I review:
- Always on Goodreads
- In my monthly recaps
- Blog post reviews (if discussed)
I will email you once the review/post is live and I will always provide my honest opinion.
Contact Me:
You can either send me an email ( or fill out a form by clicking here.