• Anticipated releases,  Movies,  TV Shows

    WRAPPING UP 2020 IN FILM // a smol list of 2020 favourite films AND anticipated movies & tv shows of 2021

    Hello, and how are we doing today? I don’t know which one of you kept me in your prayers and manifested this but LOOK WHO IS ON TIME WITH END OF YEAR POSTS? What a crazy time to be alive tbh… No, but seriously. This is the last of this set of posts that I have planned and I’m quite chuffed with myself. Before I get on with the films, lemme just explain the title. Now, I don’t know if you heard but the world kind of shut down last year? I mean, it still is in a lot of places. But that meant that a lot of movies also didn’t get released. And also we couldn’t go to the cinemas (AS IT SHOULD BE!!). Plus, I also didn’t watch all that many movies last year anyways? I rewatched quite a few of my old favourites, which shouldn’t shock you by this point. So my favourites list is VERY VERY SMALL. Therefore I thought I’d just combine both my favourites and most anticipated shows. Got it? Good. Let’s get started. FAVOURITE MOVIES OF 2020 If you’re new to how I talk about my favourite movies, then I’ll just briefly explain.…

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