• Book Tags

    MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2024 edition: fashionably late and very few books read but a couple stunning gems & new releases i’m excited about!

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. I actually think I’m right on time with this. Wouldn’t you agree? Like what do you mean this post is not due in September? Your calendar must have got confused. Not that we have all the admin out of the way, look! It’s that time of year again! Where we’re alllll talking about the books we love. Without anything else holding me back, let’s get into it! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READTHIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood Even I’m shocked that this book is here but ya know what? My serotonin levels flew sky-high and haven’t come down yet, so this spot is well deserved. I have yelled about this book just about everywhere so I won’t say too much here. But my brain did actually explode. Like I mean it. Not even exaggerating there. I was so obsessed with the book I coerced my coworker into reading the dang thing and I WILL MAKE YOU DO THE SAME. OR ELSE. Yes, that was a threat,,, Actually no I can’t threaten my lovely followers, I’m sorry. I just love this book a lot and get carried away. Please with…

  • Book Tags

    MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2023 edition: i’ve read almost 30 books so far ft. stunning 5 star reads, new favourite authors & exciting new releases

    Time for my overused Christmas in July joke once again? We all laughed right? Glad I can amuse you. Anyways, I always love doing this tag but I’m realising it’s been a minute since I did a tag. And there are more questions than I remember so hopefully you get this at a reasonable time and not in like November. I deserve a commandment if this post is early honestly. An entire ceremony if you ask me, Alright, I’ll shut up now and get into the questions!!! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READ THIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Honourable mention: Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong ✯ Happy Place by Emily Henry The internet had me scared for a second there with all them bad reviews but turns out I should trust my gut. And also my mother Emily Henry. Because she never disappoints and I loved this one. As expected. God, I loved it so much. And hated it. Conflicting but in a good way. Emily Henry is writing my obituary at this point honestly. Not to be morbid or anything, but I do need her to do that. Anyways, yes this book destroyed me and brought me back to life.…

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