• Monthly Recaps

    AUGUST, SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER RECAP // uni had me by the neck but i finished ft. not a lot of reading, some movies, midnights & student exhaustion

    If you honestly thought I could be prompt with these, then I thank you for your faith. You’re the best, you’re a real one and I love you to the moon and back. To everyone who had realistic expectations… yeah same. Let’s catch up! — Hothouse Flower by Krista & Becca Ritchie {★★★½☆}: looking back, my rating seems too generous because I don’t remember what happened in this book ahah. Still apprehensive about Daisy and Ryke, and literally what was stopping these authors from ageing Daisy up like two years? It’s weird. Their actual connection is quite sweet personality-wise, but eh I don’t care all that much. Tried continuing with the rest of this series but I’m a LiLo supporter through and through *hides* GR review here! Addicted After All by Krista & Becca Ritchie {★★★★☆}: This series slowly but surely came for my heart and I am so glad that the Internet wasn’t lying to me about this couple. It’s dang good and Lily and Lo are everything to me. Ugh adore and will protect them with my entire soul. Sad their series is over but also oof I tried continuing with the rest and it’s lowkey too much…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JULY RECAP // tons of reading, vacation bliss, st4 broke me & back to uni ft. some new fave books

    I read a lot of books. Like a lot. And it feels so good. Are you proud of me? I’m also fairly on time with this. Double proud. God, I’m conceited and I’m talking too much about myself. This is my blog, but not the Ruby show. I need to get it together. Anyways, let’s just get into this recap!!! — — See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon {★★★★★}: I was actually really nervous going into this as I’d seen some average reviews, but I’m absolutely here for college contemporaries and time-loop tales. It’s a great time. This book was just pure escapism and I loved every second. I loved the writing, the setting, the discussions on mental health, and the relationship between Miles and Barrow. It was all squeal-worthy and wonderful and I loved it to shreds. If you can’t already tell, you definitely need to hop on this stellar new adult time loop contemporary romance that will make you feel all the feels over and over and over and over again. This one shines with witty dialogue, swoon-worthy romance and tender-hearted characters. I HIGHLY recommend!!!! All the thoughts here *insert heart eyes* – Addicted To You by…

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