MOST ANTICIPATED 2025 RELEASES // adding 80 books, 20 movies & 4 shows to my list and yours
IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL POST OF THE YEAR… almost. One of the most wonderful if we’re dealing with the nitty gritty details here *sighs* Anyway, love how I say every year that I’m limiting my list to books I only genuinely want to read. But when I looked at what was on last year’s post,,, yeah hah not sure how many I did read.. But I mean it this year. I pinky promise. Speaking of how I did this post last year, we’ll be chatting all things books and films, and I do think I’ve gathered QUITE the list this year. We’ll call it a comprehensive list, because I think I’ve picked what will be the best of the best. I know, smug much. But I’m only being honest folks. Lol with that, I think we should drive right in! books — JANUARY Audrey Lane Stirs the Pot by Alexis Hall (1 January 2025): have I started this series? No. But do I love this author and want to read all they write? The answer would be yes. A Sea of Unspoken Things by Adrienne Young (7 January 2025): I’ll pose an almost similar question because have I read ANYTHING…
MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2024 edition: fashionably late and very few books read but a couple stunning gems & new releases i’m excited about!
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I actually think I’m right on time with this. Wouldn’t you agree? Like what do you mean this post is not due in September? Your calendar must have got confused. Not that we have all the admin out of the way, look! It’s that time of year again! Where we’re alllll talking about the books we love. Without anything else holding me back, let’s get into it! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READTHIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood Even I’m shocked that this book is here but ya know what? My serotonin levels flew sky-high and haven’t come down yet, so this spot is well deserved. I have yelled about this book just about everywhere so I won’t say too much here. But my brain did actually explode. Like I mean it. Not even exaggerating there. I was so obsessed with the book I coerced my coworker into reading the dang thing and I WILL MAKE YOU DO THE SAME. OR ELSE. Yes, that was a threat,,, Actually no I can’t threaten my lovely followers, I’m sorry. I just love this book a lot and get carried away. Please with…
JANUARY RECAP // ya contemporary reads, rare book shopping, all the films & life updates
Only a TEENSY bit late this time. Just a smol week. Not helpful crying over spilt milk folks, let’s just get right into it!!! One of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus {★★★★☆}: gosh I love me a McManus book because I just KNOW I’ll have a great time. It’s a guarantee at this point. This was no exception. Didn’t beat book two for me but it was still a blast and I highly enjoyed my time with her. Still deciding if I’m doing a full review for this one, so I’ll send you over to GR for now!!! Ty to Penguin Random House SA for the review copy! When You Get The Chance by Emma Lord {★★★★★}: finally got off my lazy ass and have mostly caught up with my fave Lord and saviour *sighs* I have a whole review coming very soon so stay tuned for that but yes I am incredibly stupid for doubting this author AGAIN GAHHHH. This book was literally everything and I’m so excited to yell about it. Big thanks to Pan Macmillan SA for the review copy and Wednesday Books for the eARC via Netgalley! Click here for the GR review xoxox…
INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR ASHLEY POSTON // chatting to the fab author of The Seven Year Slip about writing inspiration, next book & a character name reveal!!
Gahhh I am over the actual moon today and just oh so grateful!!! Look who’s here today,,, yep scream with me. Before we dive right in, I got a bunch of Poston reviews for you to go check out: Heart of Iron duology The Dead Romantics The Seven Year Slip INTERVIEW WITH ASHLEY POSTON Hi hello Ashley! Thank you oh so much for being here today, I am absolutely ecstatic to have you! Before we get started, I wanted to wish you a big congratulations on your sophomore romance release aka The Seven Year Slip! I absolutely adored this one to bits, as I do all of your books, so without any further ado, let’s get into my nosy questions! 🍋 Thank you so much for having me! First of all, can you tell us a little about yourself: hobbies, favourite foods, where are you currently, how are you doing? And of course, about your latest book! 🍋 Of course! I am doing really well right now. I just got myself a new tattoo—Calcifer in a bouquet of flowers, from Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones—and I’m devouring books like it’s my business (which, well, technically I guess it…
MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2023 edition: i’ve read almost 30 books so far ft. stunning 5 star reads, new favourite authors & exciting new releases
Time for my overused Christmas in July joke once again? We all laughed right? Glad I can amuse you. Anyways, I always love doing this tag but I’m realising it’s been a minute since I did a tag. And there are more questions than I remember so hopefully you get this at a reasonable time and not in like November. I deserve a commandment if this post is early honestly. An entire ceremony if you ask me, Alright, I’ll shut up now and get into the questions!!! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READ THIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Honourable mention: Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong ✯ Happy Place by Emily Henry The internet had me scared for a second there with all them bad reviews but turns out I should trust my gut. And also my mother Emily Henry. Because she never disappoints and I loved this one. As expected. God, I loved it so much. And hated it. Conflicting but in a good way. Emily Henry is writing my obituary at this point honestly. Not to be morbid or anything, but I do need her to do that. Anyways, yes this book destroyed me and brought me back to life.…
JUNE RECAP // back on the blogging game ft. some new fave reads, a book event but nothing much really oops
Doing pretty well with these recaps lately. Aren’t you proud? It would be mean if you weren’t, just sayin’ Anyways, not much to waffle about so we’ll just jump right in! — Happy Place by Emily Henry {★★★★★}: thank the heavens I got off my butt and actually read this freaking book. I thank you all for your endless patience on waiting like 6 months for me to review this. I’ve done a whole review already so go read that for more in-depth thoughts. But I will say shame on the Internet for making me doubt Ms Henry for a hot minute because I was scared for a second. But that was not necessary because she was as good as I needed her to be and I want to cry on the floor at how good this freaking book was omg!!! I love you Viking Books & Penguin SA, ty for my gifted copies! Something More by Jackie Khalileah {★★★☆☆}: sad she was exactly what I wanted but still recommend if you’re looking for a fun debut YA romance with some stunning autism rep. Big thanks to Colored Pages Tours & Tundra Books for the eARC! GR review right over…
THE SEVEN YEAR SLIP BY ASHLEY POSTON // blog tour book review: happy release day to this banger of a time travel romance that blew it out of this decade!!!
Today is a special day my friends. Wanna know why? Because this scrumptious little book is out TODAY and ugh I’m so excited to talk about it! Welcome to the first stop on The Seven Year Slip blog tour <3<3<3 Title: The Seven Year SlipAuthor: Ashley PostonPage count: 352Date published: 27 July 2023Genre: Adult contemporary romance 🍋 Synopsis: Sometimes, the worst day of your life happens, and you have to figure out how to live after it. So Clementine forms a plan to keep her heart safe: stay busy, work hard, find someone decent to love, and try to remember to chase the moon. The last one is silly and obviously metaphorical, but her aunt always told her that you needed at least one big dream to keep going. And for the last year, that plan has gone off without a hitch. Mostly. The love part is hard because she doesn’t want to get too close to anyone—she isn’t sure her heart can take it. And then she finds a strange man standing in the kitchen of her late aunt’s apartment. A man with kind eyes and a Southern drawl and a taste for lemon pies. The kind of man…
MY FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2022 // top 15 books of the year in an unorganised order
Ahhh it’s my favourite time of the belated year. Let’s ignore that minor detail and focus on the positives today folks. I’m only a week late so not too shameful. I,,, my list is stunning this year but I’ve also yelled about a lot of them already so you probably know what books I’ll be talking about. Also yes I am aware Chloe Gong is not on this list and there are two reasons for that: 1) I got busy this year and 2) my mental health is not prepared haha. Not even an exaggeration, that book will give me a heart attack. Prepare for all of her books to be on the 2023 list *wink wink* Oops, Taylor Jenkins Reid has also not made an appearance but can you guess? I’m behind. Yep. Related posts: Top Books of 2021 2022 Mid Year Freak Out Tag I’m doing it slightly differently this year because I’m indecisive with the usual honourable mentions list so I’m putting them all together and we’ll rank near the end. Idk just roll with it *hides* Shall we just get started? Indeed. TOP 15 BOOKS OF 2022: (in semi order) ♥ Every Summer After by Carley…
THE DEAD ROMANTICS BY ASHLEY POSTON // spoiler-free book review: you need this crazy romance book with ghostwriters that can see ghosts but also deals with grief in your life!!!
Today’s post is an incredibly exciting one because I finally get to cry about one of my favourite books this year!!! I read this one back in July actually, but ugh it was so good and I’m back to shove it down all of your throats *sighs* Let’s just get into the screaming!!!! Title: The Dead RomanticsAuthor: Ashley PostonPage count: 368Date published: 28 June 2022Genre: Adult contemporary romance 👻 Synopsis: Florence Day is the ghostwriter for one of the most prolific romance authors in the industry, and she has a problem—after a terrible breakup, she no longer believes in love. It’s as good as dead. When her new editor, a too-handsome mountain of a man, won’t give her an extension on her book deadline, Florence prepares to kiss her career goodbye. But then she gets a phone call she never wanted to receive, and she must return home for the first time in a decade to help her family bury her beloved father. For ten years, she’s run from the town that never understood her, and even though she misses the sound of a warm Southern night and her eccentric, loving family and their funeral parlor, she can’t bring herself…
NOVEMBER RECAP // i turned 21 ft new fave series, graphic novel mania, new books and life is good again!!!
It’s me hi I’m actually not the problem today. BECAUSE I AM SO EARLY WOWZA!!!! Like my Taylor Swift reference? I’m just talking nonsense so let’s get into it!!!! — Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston {★★★★½}: Me? Actually reading a book that’s been on my tbr longer than I’ve had a TikTok account? A Christmas miracle. I’ve talked to death about how much fun I had with this series and I’m a pro blogger so I’m just sending you right over to the series review on the blog here <3<3<3 Soul of Stars by Ashley Poston {★★★★½}: My marketing skills are on fire if you ask me. Fab fab fab Anastasia in space duology to binge with just my typa romance, fast plot and glorious writing READ THEM NOWWW!!!! Series review here in case you didn’t click *wink wink* The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O’Neill {★★★★☆}: I have a free trial on Kindle Unlimited alright. I was in Poston withdrawals and decided to read these on my iPad. And UGH how cute, just as expected. This first instalment is probably my least favourite of the three, in terms of enjoyment. But the art is amazing and such a…