MARCH RECAP // start of 2nd year uni ft. book shopping & a 5-star read
Hello world, no I am not dead. However, in my mind posting twice in one week gave me the liberty to disappear for two weeks. You know what you signed up for here on this blog. I made no promises. Or maybe I did, I don’t really know anymore. My brain is kinda numb right now. I’ll stop rambling because we have much to discuss. So let’s goooo!!!! The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas {★★★☆☆}: Look, I actually did eventually finish this book. Unfortunately, since we last spoke about it, my enjoyment went down. Which is why you haven’t seen that post from me, because I don’t want to give this a really negative review. Because it is not terrible, it’s just not my kind of romance. Which is totally fine. I really enjoyed the writing style, the characters and romance were just not for me. Full GR here < 3 – Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi {★★★★★}: I,,, wowee literally just finished the book the other day and have still not been able to recover. Also yes, your visual of a 5-star is correct as I LOVED this one. This book was excellent. If you read it…
HOW TO MANAGE SCHOOL AND READING // bookish advice: tips for juggling reading, blogging & studies with a busy schedule ft. starting a studygram
Hey hey friends Welp, I’ve started my second year of university today. I’m excited and not excited at the same time. Love that for me. Wishing all of my other fellow and struggling students out there the best of luck. Anyways, in honour of that, I thought I’d revamp a post I made about 2 years ago. You can click here to check that one out if you’d like, though I don’t want to scar your eyes so maybe don’t. This one is much better haha. Now, I am aware that in the northern hemisphere, schools have already started. So I guess whoops but I’m always late so it’s not unexpected. I’ve put together a list of tips that I, myself, have used in the past to help manage my studies and reading. Disclaimer: I’m not an expert and I definitely do not have everything figured out. I’m still not great at time management so do with that information what you will. Also, keep in mind that this advice is what I personally have found useful and it may not work for you. ✎ Are you a student? Are you struggling to make time to read? Or is your daily…
FEBRUARY RECAP // the month of tv & movie love aka welcome to my reading slump chaos
Now I could be wrong but I heard, you know through the grapevine, that February sucked universally. This statement may be bold and I’m glad if it didn’t suck for you. But it certainly did for me. You wanna know why? Because I didn’t read a thing. I tried to. I did read things. I just didn’t finish anything… Love that for me. So I have no wrap-up to share with you today. I can share my current read and the books I’d like to read in March. Because I definitely do need to read something this month aghhhh. I was going to say that February was cursed or something else that is as vaguely exciting. But I did read books in February of last year for class. So oh well, it is just me and not the month. Anyways, here’s what I have been reading for basically the entirety of February: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas: I was (and am) so so honoured to have been approved an eARC of this one by the stunning author @thebibliotheque and I have been slowly making progress with it. I’ll tell why it’s been slow in a second. I have…
JANUARY RECAP // hello 2021 ft. content planning & much reading
Today, you witness a miracle, my fine friends. You know why? BECAUSE THIS RECAP WAS POSTED ON TIME. I think we should all just take a second to soak it all in. And also so I can pat myself on the back. Let’s ignore that Valentines Day is in approximately two weeks. We have books to keep us company in this household. We’re definitely not alone in this household, no ma’am. I’ll stop now, let’s get into it. The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata {★★★☆☆}: You may be thinking that it’s very unfortunate that my first read of 2021 was a 3-star but in full honesty, I couldn’t care less. I 99.9% believe that it shan’t represent the rest of my reading year. I did really like this one, it’s not a bad 3-stars, more of an “I don’t have much to say”. I know this one is a fan favourite and I can tell why. From Lukov with Love is still my personal fave but this one and Dear Aaron are fighting for second place. This book is INCREDIBLY slow-burn, like so slow you might pull your hair out. Can be a good and a bad…
OCTOBER RECAP // my brain is very tired but I did (miraculously) read some stuff
*cricket chirping* ….. hi Honestly, I am just sitting here, head empty, and can’t even remember how to blog. It feels like about a million years since I created any sort of content. I had expected to have less stuff to do in November because no exams but I was sorely mistaken. Apparently, ALL of my essays are due at around the same time so I was pulling at my hair and eating it. Fun times. Oof was October a month. I,,, you know my brain is kind of dead right now. I have been so drained and exhausted. This entire year has been, as well all know. But I feel like it was sort of universal that October was exhausting? Like I don’t think it was just me?? Anyways, this is late. As usual. Apparently, I don’t post recaps on time at all anymore. I would like to change that but that’s a worry for another day welp. Also, I haven’t been keeping up with blog posts for the past few weeks so I shan’t be mentioning any this month, but I’m going to slowly catch up and I’ll scream about all the amazing work next month xoxo Nick…
MY HISTORY WITH BOOK REVIEWS // a discussion: why I stopped writing reviews (and blogging in general) for a while, how they’ve changed ft. tips to improve yours!!
Hi friends, come on this very rambly journey with me. I have no idea if it makes sense but let’s give it a go. SO. I’ve been wanting to do more discussion posts and I have a few topics I’ve been wanting to chat about. This’ll be my first real attempt at a full-length discussion post so let’s hope it turns out well. If you’ve been around for a while, you would’ve noticed I hardly posted ANY book reviews last year, nor was I that active either. I used to be that girl who reviewed every single book she read, ‘reviewed’ not being the correct word because a) I hated my old structure and b) I don’t think I was very informative anyways. Which we’ll get into more in a bit. But I’m back on track with them all now and am overall pleased and proud of them, so I thought maybe I could chat about it?? Those are what discussions are right?? Wish me luck. WHY I STOPPED BLOGGING LAST YEAR? A question I still don’t know how to answer tbh. And I think it’s a number of reasons. Firstly: school. Last year was my final year of high…
BINGE-WORTHY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WHILE YOU’RE STUCK AT HOME // distracting yourself part 2: need an action-packed adventure or angsty romance? take your pick
The world is in shambles, but at least we have books to keep us company. Okay no I know it’s not funny because it’s a stressful time right so I hope you’re doing okay. That you’re staying safe and healthy. And also, if you’re not reading then that’s also fine because same. But I thought I’d do a lil recommendations post of books that I found are great to binge, that’s what we’re all doing right? I should just let you know though, that if Ruby can DEVOUR a book really quickly, anyone can tbh. Truly. So this list will be very easy to get through hehe *wink wink* ➳ There’s a part one of this series where I talk ROMANCE MOVIES!! So if you missed that, click HERE <3 Warcross by Marie Lu This duology folks!! It’s a futuristic sci-fi story set like 20 years in the future or something. Not entirely sure so don’t quote me on that. It’s got virtual reality and this video game called Warcross, which is like an action-adventure type game. Super cool. I’m bad at explaining, I apologise. Anyways, this book is so addictive. Our main character, Emika Chen, is super awesome, SHE’S GOT…