HAPPY NEW YEAR AKA MY DECEMBER 2021 & JANUARY 2022 RECAP // a slightly late recap but I watched a ton of movies and read only a bit oops
Um yeah so big oops. In my head, it’s definitely not nearly the end of February when I finally post this. You can pretend with me. Combining into two months because I’m terrible and I also only read one book in January welp. You came for chaos right? I have warned you in the past,,, Let’s not waste time and just get into it! — Wait For It by Mariana Zapata {★★★★☆}: Extremely chuffed at the progress I’m making in my quest to read all of Mariana Zapata’s work. Apparently this one was my longest read of last year, which I did not notice so props to MZ for making me think her romances are short. HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE HER??? The way MZ writes romance is unlike any other and I’m constantly comparing other romances to her’s. I just,,, I’m forever sad about it. Though nothing has been able to top Lukov for me, this story was so endearing and heartwarming and I loved every page. Trigger warnings for loss of a parent/sibling. I absolutely loved how this book focused on parenting and raising kids, not in the traditional way. I loved Diana when we met…