MOST ANTICIPATED 2022 BOOK RELEASES // willing to sell my soul for at least 10 of these, not exaggerating aka elevating your tbr by approx 40 more books
In the innocent words of 2020 Ruby aka “manifesting that 2021 will be a better year”, I shall not be making the same mistake,,, Okay that was a tad dramatic and I’m sorry I had to take you down that dark, forsaken path, but let’s be honest: 2021 has S-U-C-K-E-D. But at least there are some good books coming out? Not as many as I thought but definitely some I’d be willing to give my future firstborn to. Let’s get into it! Also I say this every year but a sneaky few always manage to get on the list. Anyways, I have tried to keep this list fairly short and…
SHINY, NEW AND UPCOMING RELEASES I’VE BEEN EYEING // 15 queer books on my radar that i’m willing to kill for
Hello there girls and gays Excuse me today, I’m trying to be funny and witty. Idk if it’s working. Anyways, so I came up with this post 0.5 seconds ago, well it’s a few days when I’m posting this but still. We’re just going with it because my creativity has been low when it comes to blog posts. I literally just have a list of books in my head that have recently come out or are coming out soon that I’m keen to read. That’s all there is to it really. I’ve said before that my thought process is very interesting. I… don’t have anything else to say so let’s…