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    HOW TO MANAGE SCHOOL AND READING // bookish advice: tips for juggling reading, blogging & studies with a busy schedule ft. starting a studygram

    Hey hey friends Welp, I’ve started my second year of university today. I’m excited and not excited at the same time. Love that for me. Wishing all of my other fellow and struggling students out there the best of luck. Anyways, in honour of that, I thought I’d revamp a post I made about 2 years ago. You can click here to check that one out if you’d like, though I don’t want to scar your eyes so maybe don’t. This one is much better haha. Now, I am aware that in the northern hemisphere, schools have already started. So I guess whoops but I’m always late so it’s not unexpected. I’ve put together a list of tips that I, myself, have used in the past to help manage my studies and reading. Disclaimer: I’m not an expert and I definitely do not have everything figured out. I’m still not great at time management so do with that information what you will. Also, keep in mind that this advice is what I personally have found useful and it may not work for you. ✎ Are you a student? Are you struggling to make time to read? Or is your daily…

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