I BINGED THE ILLUMINAE FILES SERIES // gemina (book two): and the epicness continues
Hi hello you saw the title. You know what’s happening! This was originally going to be a series review, but um that’d be a million years long SO I’m doing a thing where I post a review for each book each day. For three days obviously because there are three books. ♦ If you were interested in reviews for the other books (note if you are reading these as they come out, one of these links won’t be available till tomorrow) ➵ ILLUMINAE BOOK #1 REVIEW ➵ OBISIDIO BOOK #3 REVIEW ♦ Gemina was A ROLLERCOASTER!! Let the screeching commence. Title: Gemina Series: The Illuminae Files #2 Author: Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman Page count: 659 Date published: 18 October 2016 Genre: Young Adult science fiction ♦ Synopsis: Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy was always going to be the death of Hanna’s social life. Nobody said it might actually get her killed. The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminae continues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault. Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of…
I BINGED THE ILLUMINAE FILES SERIES // illuminae (book one): this book destroyed me… send help!
Yes, I do realise that I read this trilogy back in March and I am only NOW doing this review. I am a terrible person. But oh well. Better late than never amirite?! Anyways, I binged this series while I was away on holiday and as you can tell by the title: THEY DESTROYED ME! And of course, such emotions need their own entire blog post. This review may be a mess when are they ever not one though because I read them so long ago. And also I’m going to try not to spoil future books since I did binge these books back to back. I don’t think I did but do proceed with caution. Also, this was originally like an entire series review but it landed up being like 3k+ words long so they’ve been split. And I’ve decided to do a thing where I post the reviews one after the other. Fun huh. So yeah you can stay tuned for reviews of the following two books If you’re reading it the day it’s been published, these posts won’t be live yet but if not, you can click here for my other reviews of this series < 3…