• Book Tags

    EVERMORE BOOK TAG // the belated book tag but at least i finally listened to this album ft. books i love, fave romances and lots of tears

    Indeed I am 123456789 years late and none of you care about this tag anymore, but I can live with that. I think. It was a Monday and I saw this still in my drafts and here we are *cue nervous laughter* The creator of this tag, my dear friend Rhi, is currently on hiatus and her original post is unavailable to view, but do feast your eyes on the stunning graphics. Big thanks to the wonderful Olivia for tagging me, love you so much! I,,, can’t remember if anyone else tagged me.  I’ve tried my hardest to talk about books I don’t talk about all that much. Or at least often? Hopefully, you haven’t heard me talking about them all the time, I guess we’ll see. Enough rambling and let’s get started! A Million Junes by Emily Henry I mean what a fun song. I absolutely love it as the lead single, the instrumentals are just stunning and I even like the 90s trend line #sorrynotsorry — As for a book, I decided I needed to choose a book with a romance that felt fated, one I NEEDED them to be together so badly, and this immediately stood out.…

  • Discussions,  Lists,  Recommendations

    MY FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2021 // a whopping bizarre top 8 ft. some honourable mentions

    Life is currently a mess and I really wanted to get a lot more end of year posts out this month, but alas, 2021 will just have to close on the messy path it was already on. I have no idea what I’m writing but we’re rolling with it *nervous laughter* Apologies as I did have a fun idea for a Christmas recommendations list, but I just had no motivation to get it done. You’ll have to wait until next year folks. As usual, lowkey doing this post is stressful because I leave it till the very last day of the year JUST IN CASE a new favourite needs to squeeze on here. There hasn’t been one but it’s okay, at least I’m wrapping up all the books. Related posts: Top Books of 2020 2021 Mid Year Freak Out Tag Today I have 15 books in total to talk about, 7 are honourable mentions and 8 are the top favourites. I’m chuffed with this selection, though I’ll try and keep this post short and sweet so we can zoom through them. Very excited to talk about them, so let’s get into it! HONOURABLE MENTIONS: in no particular order (maybe least…

  • Book Tags

    MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2021 edition ft. fantastic books, reviews galore & books I need to read asap

    We’re fashionably late to this tag today and I also have to be annoying & ask HOW WE ARE ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH THE YEAR?!? It can’t be true. I refuse to accept it. Let’s reuse last year’s terrible joke and deem this month the bookish Christmas in July. Just to lighten the mood about the horrendous fact that time moves too fast for us mere humans. I’ll stop now. Let’s get into the questions!! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READ THIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi I truly don’t know what more I could say about this book. Because I’ve definitely talked everybody’s ear off already and my throat is hoarse from all the screaming. However, I’m still going to throw this book at your face and force you to read it and cry with me. I’ve been having awful luck this past year and a half when it comes to finding new favourites and/or 5-star reads. I lowkey cry myself to sleep about it. Kidding. But it does astound me because I never used to have this problem. Anyways, this book got a lot of mixed reviews when it came out and I didn’t really take note…

  • Book Reviews

    KATE IN WAITING BY BECKY ALBERTALLI // blog tour book review: theatre kids ft. wonderful writing & lovable relationships

    Hello, there lovely friends! And welcome to my Kate in Waiting tour stop which I’m just SO excited to be part of. My schedule has been crazy lately but I took this delight to the beach with me and simply devoured the whole thing. Big thanks to The Write Reads for inviting me onto this tour, I’m so honoured! Title: Kate In Waiting Author: Becky Albertalli Page count: 400 Date published: 20 April 2021 Genre: Young Adult contemporary romance ✮ Synopsis: [PRINCIPAL CAST LIST] Kate Garfield Anderson Walker Best friends, and contrary to popular belief, not co-dependent. Examples: Carpooling to and from theatre rehearsals? Environmentally sound and efficient. Consulting each other on every single life decision? Basic good judgment. Pining for the same guys from afar? Shared crushes are more fun anyway. But when Kate and Andy’s latest long-distance crush shows up at their school, everything goes off-script. Enter Stage Left: Matt Olsson He is talented and sweet, and Kate likes him. She really likes him. The only problem? So does Anderson. Turns out, communal crushes aren’t so fun when real feelings are involved. This one might even bring the curtains down on Kate and Anderson’s friendship… ✮ ADD TO GOODREADS ✮ Big thanks to…

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