ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS FOR THE LIEBSTER AWARD // reflecting on my early blogging days ft. my rating system, favourite albums & tbr books
Say hello to a post I’ve left abandoned for 6 months. But also thank you Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea and Lais @ The Bookish Skies, for nominating me, who are literal angels and I love them a lot. Honestly can’t believe that you people actually like me. We’re doing both sets of questions today because I’m late as per usual. Nothing new here. Grab a snack because this might will be very long, but I’ll try to keep my answers short and less rambly welp. Anyways, they’ve left some questions to answer so that is what we shall be doing today. Click for important links!! – https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ – https://blacktranslivesmatter.carrd.co/ –…