• Discussions,  TBR

    TOP 20 BOOKS TO READ IN 2020 & NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS // this is incredibly late but hi reading and blogging goals ft. an ambitious tbr

    Okay wow, this post is a tad late. I literally forgot that I hadn’t posted this and it’s been ready for MONTHS. Sorry about that. Better late than never though right? I’m jumping on the ’20 books to read in 2020′ bandwagon. I’m going to keep this short because I do have a sort of second instalment to this post planned with 2019 releases. Keep ya eyes peeled. And then I also had some new year’s reading resolutions so I thought I’d just combine those two posts into one. So it might be a whole mess. Have fun? TOP 20 BOOKS TO READ IN 2020 So instead of listing off why I want to read 20 books, which I’ve come to realise is not a practical idea and will be boring, I’m just going to name some that I HAVE TO GET TO. Like when 2021 comes around, anybody and everybody has permission to punch me in the face if I still haven’t read them. And then just a smol list of some other titles *wink wink* ♥ the priority list!!   Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo: Caitlin and I are going to buddy read the series this year so…

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