• Monthly Recaps

    FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL & MAY RECAP // i’m back! ft. uni was a lot, many essays, new fave books, mental health updates & ST4

    God, I’m awful, but we’re used to this by now, right? Uni kept me busy hence this recap with far too many months in the title but better late than never. Semester literally started in February so you’ve missed it all, and there’s much to catch up on. I’m excited to be back, and you know the drill, let’s stop rambling and get into it! — Required Reading for The Disenfranchised Freshman by Kristen R. Lee {★★★½☆}: I read this for a blog tour and have already posted a whole review, so I won’t talk too much about it. This is a NA contemporary that deals with racism and microaggressions on modern college campuses, which I’ve never seen talked about in fiction, so I loved that. Overall, I loved the message and thought this was a solid debut, though it wasn’t as hard-hitting for me as I anticipated it. Big thanks to Crown Readers at Random House for the eARC and Turn The Pages Tours for having me on the tour. Complete review here! – It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey {★★★★☆}: Who else would have thought I’d be here telling you about how much I enjoyed this book?…

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