A LADY FOR A DUKE BY ALEXIS HALL // spoiler-free book review: this regency romance will solve all of your problems and maybe melt your heart along the way
Let’s see if I can get through this review without crying. Because I probably will. This book is my new everything and I shall now commence with the shoving and the faces and down the throats. You’ve bene forewarned. Onwards we go!!!! Title: A Lady For A DukeAuthor: Alexis HallPage count: 460Date published: 24 May 2022Genre: Adult historical romance ✉ Synopsis: When Viola Carroll was presumed dead at Waterloo she took the opportunity to live, at last, as herself. But freedom does not come without a price, and Viola paid for hers with the loss of her wealth, her title, and her closest companion, Justin de Vere, the Duke of…
SHINY, NEW AND UPCOMING RELEASES I’VE BEEN EYEING // 15 queer books on my radar that i’m willing to kill for
Hello there girls and gays Excuse me today, I’m trying to be funny and witty. Idk if it’s working. Anyways, so I came up with this post 0.5 seconds ago, well it’s a few days when I’m posting this but still. We’re just going with it because my creativity has been low when it comes to blog posts. I literally just have a list of books in my head that have recently come out or are coming out soon that I’m keen to read. That’s all there is to it really. I’ve said before that my thought process is very interesting. I… don’t have anything else to say so let’s…