• Lists,  Movies,  TV Shows

    THE BEST OF 2023: BOOKS, MOVIES & SHOWS // ranking my top reads and watches of last year in journal spreads ft. some honourable mentions

    At least the wait was not long in between. You could at least be grateful for that. I’m kidding. Yes I am embarrassed it took this long. But I’m wrapping up 2023 with a BANG. One might say that I’ve been ~inspired~ or,,, creative? Who’s to say? Not me. But I saw some people on TikTok do these journal spreads for books and suddenly I had FOMO. But, of course, I’m not about to make spreads for all the books I’ve ever read (never going to do that btw) but I thought I’d start with my favourite reads of the year for funsies. Then suddenly LIGHTBULB! I am going to share them here. And I’ve written reviews for basically all of them so to switch it up, I’m sharing my favourites in pretty graphics aka journal spreads I created on my iPad. That was long-winded but I hope you understood. Before we get into the books, I do have movies and shows to share. Whilst I have not made spreads for each of them individually, I have made some rankings. Enjoy the ride *wink wink* BEST OF 2023: SHOWS Hope you were here yesterday for my 2023 recap, and in…

  • Book Tags

    MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2023 edition: i’ve read almost 30 books so far ft. stunning 5 star reads, new favourite authors & exciting new releases

    Time for my overused Christmas in July joke once again? We all laughed right? Glad I can amuse you. Anyways, I always love doing this tag but I’m realising it’s been a minute since I did a tag. And there are more questions than I remember so hopefully you get this at a reasonable time and not in like November. I deserve a commandment if this post is early honestly. An entire ceremony if you ask me, Alright, I’ll shut up now and get into the questions!!! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READ THIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Honourable mention: Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong ✯ Happy Place by Emily Henry The internet had me scared for a second there with all them bad reviews but turns out I should trust my gut. And also my mother Emily Henry. Because she never disappoints and I loved this one. As expected. God, I loved it so much. And hated it. Conflicting but in a good way. Emily Henry is writing my obituary at this point honestly. Not to be morbid or anything, but I do need her to do that. Anyways, yes this book destroyed me and brought me back to life.…

  • Monthly Recaps

    MARCH RECAP // graduation, moving, some reading & other chaos

    Quite chuffed with my incredibly inventive title if I do say so myself *wink wink* We all know that I am a comedian by nature. God I need to shut up now. Anyways, back to your irregularly scheduled belated recap, as per usual, due to very obvious reasons in the title. I honestly don’t remember what happened last month, it was all very blurry but I shall try my best to recount it to you. Into the chaos we go! Last Violent Call by Chloe Gong {★★★★★}: I was never prepared for this book and I have read it and am still not prepared. Chloe never misses and this book was perfection, as is everything she writes. My heart stopped beating for approximately 200 pages and I need to tattoo this book onto my forehead. It was stunning and I will have a full review up hopefully soon, GR review here in the meantime *screams for eternity* The First Move by Jenny Ireland {★★★☆☆}: The lovely people at Penguin SA had an eARC available and I needed a smol pick me up so I read this on a whim. Devoured this in like a day and agh what a cute…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JANUARY & FEBRUARY RECAP // somehow i read 15 books ft. graphic novel mania, readalongs, lots of new books & back to uni

    It’s the way I forgot to post my January until halfway through February and decided another two weeks was worth waiting. I mean what else is new here? Ruby Rae Reads: perpetually late to everything Lmao love that for me Anyway, I have lots to talk about, so let’s jump right in! Seven Percent of Ro Devereux by Ellen O’Clover {★★★★★}: started off the year strong with this absolutely stunning YA debut contemporary romance ugh it was SO SO SO GOOD!!!! Absolutely everything I ever wanted from this book about creating an app, familial tension, angsty emotions and childhood friends to enemies to lovers. It was *chef’s kiss* and you all need to read it RIGHT THIS SECOND!!!! Big thanks to the author for sending me an eARC via Netgalley, click here for my GR review <3<3<3 Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman {★★★★½}: decided to get off my butt and finally read these and ugh I had the bestest day literally just reading all of these comics. A stunning first instalment and I do love how accurate the show is. It’s kind of scary. Big thanks to Pan MacMillan SA for the review copy xoxoxo Heartstopper Volume 2 by…

  • Book Tags

    EVERMORE BOOK TAG // the belated book tag but at least i finally listened to this album ft. books i love, fave romances and lots of tears

    Indeed I am 123456789 years late and none of you care about this tag anymore, but I can live with that. I think. It was a Monday and I saw this still in my drafts and here we are *cue nervous laughter* The creator of this tag, my dear friend Rhi, is currently on hiatus and her original post is unavailable to view, but do feast your eyes on the stunning graphics. Big thanks to the wonderful Olivia for tagging me, love you so much! I,,, can’t remember if anyone else tagged me.  I’ve tried my hardest to talk about books I don’t talk about all that much. Or at least often? Hopefully, you haven’t heard me talking about them all the time, I guess we’ll see. Enough rambling and let’s get started! A Million Junes by Emily Henry I mean what a fun song. I absolutely love it as the lead single, the instrumentals are just stunning and I even like the 90s trend line #sorrynotsorry — As for a book, I decided I needed to choose a book with a romance that felt fated, one I NEEDED them to be together so badly, and this immediately stood out.…

  • Book Reviews

    A LADY FOR A DUKE BY ALEXIS HALL // spoiler-free book review: this regency romance will solve all of your problems and maybe melt your heart along the way

    Let’s see if I can get through this review without crying. Because I probably will. This book is my new everything and I shall now commence with the shoving and the faces and down the throats. You’ve bene forewarned. Onwards we go!!!! Title: A Lady For A DukeAuthor: Alexis HallPage count: 460Date published: 24 May 2022Genre: Adult historical romance ✉ Synopsis: When Viola Carroll was presumed dead at Waterloo she took the opportunity to live, at last, as herself. But freedom does not come without a price, and Viola paid for hers with the loss of her wealth, her title, and her closest companion, Justin de Vere, the Duke of Gracewood. Only when their families reconnect, years after the war, does Viola learn how deep that loss truly was. Shattered without her, Gracewood has retreated so far into grief that Viola barely recognises her old friend in the lonely, brooding man he has become. As Viola strives to bring Gracewood back to himself, fresh desires give new names to old feelings. Feelings that would have been impossible once and may be impossible still, but which Viola cannot deny. Even if they cost her everything, all over again. ✉   ✉…

  • Monthly Recaps

    NOVEMBER RECAP // I turned 20, listened to red tv, watched 2 new fave movies & read 4 books

    Manifesting that Ruby makes time for posts other than recaps and miscellaneous reviews. Honestly slapping myself across the face for it. It’s terrible. I have time but I don’t have it in me to do any of the 100 end of year posts I am usually doing this time of the year,,, Praying that a productivity wave hits me at some point in the near future. Big yikes. I’ll stop talking now though so we can get on with what happened in November. — Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz {★★★★☆}: Welp it’s been a second since I read this one as I finished it on the very first day of last month. But it’d been on my tbr for a while and I’m so glad I finally got around to it. As expected, this book was an absolute delight and brilliant YA contemporary romance. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH CUTENESS THIS BOOK IS ADORABLE *INSERT KEYBOARD SMASH* Can you tell I thought this was cute? Because I really did. This book deals heavily with chronic illness and teens dealing with chronic illness. Our main character has rheumatoid arthritis and love interest has Gaucher disease. And they meet and fall…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JULY RECAP // oops vacation made me a reading machine ft. book mail & a readathon tbr

    Hey hey friends and how are you all doing? Unfortuneatly streaks never last when it comes to recaps, as you’ve all probably noticed I’m a tad late to this one. Not as late as quite a few other times though. I can only do so much folks. Anyways, apparently I read A TON last month and I’m also now a superhero. Let’s get into it! – Last Chance Books by Kelsey Rodkey {★★★☆☆}: not going to linger on this one too long because I honestly don’t have all that many thoughts anymore. According to my GR review, I finished this on the very first day of July, so that explains a lot. I had high hopes for this one but it unfortunetaly was just rather average. I didn’t hate it, but expected more. It was also weirdly sexual for a book about only just over 18-year olds. Idk that didn’t sit with me very well. Teens have sex, yes, but I don’t need to read about them sexually thirsting over each other. Read for a fun NA contemporary, I guess. – Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid {★★★★★}: TJR HAS DONE IT AGAIN AND I LOVED THIS BOOK!! Listened to…

  • Book Tags

    MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG // 2021 edition ft. fantastic books, reviews galore & books I need to read asap

    We’re fashionably late to this tag today and I also have to be annoying & ask HOW WE ARE ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH THE YEAR?!? It can’t be true. I refuse to accept it. Let’s reuse last year’s terrible joke and deem this month the bookish Christmas in July. Just to lighten the mood about the horrendous fact that time moves too fast for us mere humans. I’ll stop now. Let’s get into the questions!! BEST BOOK YOU’VE READ THIS YEAR SO FAR ✯ Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi I truly don’t know what more I could say about this book. Because I’ve definitely talked everybody’s ear off already and my throat is hoarse from all the screaming. However, I’m still going to throw this book at your face and force you to read it and cry with me. I’ve been having awful luck this past year and a half when it comes to finding new favourites and/or 5-star reads. I lowkey cry myself to sleep about it. Kidding. But it does astound me because I never used to have this problem. Anyways, this book got a lot of mixed reviews when it came out and I didn’t really take note…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JUNE RECAP // assignment mania, audiobooks & end of semester

    Hi hello there and how are we doing today? You’re probably bored by the number of times I open recaps with “I’m trying to stay on top of these” but I really am trying. Better than posting midway through the month with a double recap. Anyways, let’s just get started! Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert {★★★★☆}: Would you believe it if I told you that I actually listened to this book on audio? Because I wouldn’t. I technically read it alongside the ebook, but still! *pats self on the back* Anyways, this book was for sure my favourite of the Brown Sisters series. She was so so so cute. I’m planning on doing a whole review so I won’t say much. Just know I loved the writing and the characters and it was all ADORABLE. Big thanks to Harper Collins for the eARC via Netgalley and ALC via Libro.fm <3<3 Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan {★★★½☆}: eyyy look I finally finished it!! Took literally forever to read the final 20% of this book because I’m a terrible human. Anyways, this was such a fun YA contemporary. I loved the characters and the anxiety representation. The…

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