• Monthly Recaps

    JULY RECAP // oops vacation made me a reading machine ft. book mail & a readathon tbr

    Hey hey friends and how are you all doing? Unfortuneatly streaks never last when it comes to recaps, as you’ve all probably noticed I’m a tad late to this one. Not as late as quite a few other times though. I can only do so much folks. Anyways, apparently I read A TON last month and I’m also now a superhero. Let’s get into it! – Last Chance Books by Kelsey Rodkey {★★★☆☆}: not going to linger on this one too long because I honestly don’t have all that many thoughts anymore. According to my GR review, I finished this on the very first day of July, so that explains a lot. I had high hopes for this one but it unfortunetaly was just rather average. I didn’t hate it, but expected more. It was also weirdly sexual for a book about only just over 18-year olds. Idk that didn’t sit with me very well. Teens have sex, yes, but I don’t need to read about them sexually thirsting over each other. Read for a fun NA contemporary, I guess. – Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid {★★★★★}: TJR HAS DONE IT AGAIN AND I LOVED THIS BOOK!! Listened to…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JUNE RECAP // assignment mania, audiobooks & end of semester

    Hi hello there and how are we doing today? You’re probably bored by the number of times I open recaps with “I’m trying to stay on top of these” but I really am trying. Better than posting midway through the month with a double recap. Anyways, let’s just get started! Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert {★★★★☆}: Would you believe it if I told you that I actually listened to this book on audio? Because I wouldn’t. I technically read it alongside the ebook, but still! *pats self on the back* Anyways, this book was for sure my favourite of the Brown Sisters series. She was so so so cute. I’m planning on doing a whole review so I won’t say much. Just know I loved the writing and the characters and it was all ADORABLE. Big thanks to Harper Collins for the eARC via Netgalley and ALC via Libro.fm <3<3 Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan {★★★½☆}: eyyy look I finally finished it!! Took literally forever to read the final 20% of this book because I’m a terrible human. Anyways, this was such a fun YA contemporary. I loved the characters and the anxiety representation. The…

  • Monthly Recaps

    FEBRUARY RECAP // the month of tv & movie love aka welcome to my reading slump chaos

    Now I could be wrong but I heard, you know through the grapevine, that February sucked universally. This statement may be bold and I’m glad if it didn’t suck for you. But it certainly did for me. You wanna know why? Because I didn’t read a thing. I tried to. I did read things. I just didn’t finish anything… Love that for me. So I have no wrap-up to share with you today. I can share my current read and the books I’d like to read in March. Because I definitely do need to read something this month aghhhh. I was going to say that February was cursed or something else that is as vaguely exciting. But I did read books in February of last year for class. So oh well, it is just me and not the month. Anyways, here’s what I have been reading for basically the entirety of February: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas: I was (and am) so so honoured to have been approved an eARC of this one by the stunning author @thebibliotheque and I have been slowly making progress with it. I’ll tell why it’s been slow in a second. I have…

  • Monthly Recaps

    OCTOBER RECAP // my brain is very tired but I did (miraculously) read some stuff

    *cricket chirping* ….. hi Honestly, I am just sitting here, head empty, and can’t even remember how to blog. It feels like about a million years since I created any sort of content. I had expected to have less stuff to do in November because no exams but I was sorely mistaken. Apparently, ALL of my essays are due at around the same time so I was pulling at my hair and eating it. Fun times. Oof was October a month. I,,, you know my brain is kind of dead right now. I have been so drained and exhausted. This entire year has been, as well all know. But I feel like it was sort of universal that October was exhausting? Like I don’t think it was just me?? Anyways, this is late. As usual. Apparently, I don’t post recaps on time at all anymore. I would like to change that but that’s a worry for another day welp. Also, I haven’t been keeping up with blog posts for the past few weeks so I shan’t be mentioning any this month, but I’m going to slowly catch up and I’ll scream about all the amazing work next month xoxo Nick…

  • Monthly Recaps

    MARCH RECAP // back home, getting my mojo back and to a better April

    Hello, there my friends, how are we all holding up? Boy is the entire freaking world glad that MARCH IS OVER!! Thank the high heavens. Anyways, I’m attempting to get my recap up early so that I can share my APRIL TBR on time. But without further ado, let’s get into it. One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus {★★★★½}: it is a true sadness that I only read ONE book last month, and that it only took me half a day to do so. But it’s fine. I really loved this book, which is a huge shock and also a pleasant surprise. But yeah, I had SO MUCH fun with it and thought that it was really well done. I was super invested in the mystery and really liked the main characters. I thought the plot was well done and the writing was easy to read. It was a tad slow at the beginning but otherwise, there aren’t any complaints. I actually already a whole review of this one up if you’d like to check it out – click here. Thanks to Penguin Random House SA for sending a copy my way!!   My list here is quite…

  • Monthly Recaps

    JANUARY & FEBRUARY RECAP // end of holidays, starting uni and some reading

    Yes hi hello. I AM BACK. Wow, people I know I said I would try to not just disappear off the face of the earth and, of course, I don’t keep my promises WHOOPS. I literally just realised it had been a mont Again WHOOPS. I’m so bad at warning people I know. Anyways, the university has been A LOT. Which is why I haven’t been active. Like anywhere. I occasionally post on Instagram. True emphasis on occasionally. So… yeah. We’ll get more into that later. Let’s just get into the small number of books I’ve read so far this year!   Aristotle & Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz {★★★★½}: I think it’s now become my thing to start the year off with a gay book? We’re living a good life up in here. Anyways I just decided it was about time that I read this book and boy oh boy was it a delight. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a full five star but it was almost there. The characters man!! They’re just such smol beans who require hugs. Lots of hugs. They’re also chaotic drama queens who make no sense at all but it’s…

  • Monthly Recaps

    DECEMBER RECAP // new year and new fave book, reaching 50 books & work-life update

    Whoops sorry for disappearing off the planet for like a week, I swear there’s a reason. I’m not abandoning you again. I’m sure I’m not the only person who had a rough December. Like seriously wth?? I don’t even know. How did we SURVIVE?!?! Anyways, I’ve been crazy busy lately, working non-stop. Which we shall get to in a second BUT I don’t want to fall back into old habits and post this recap relatively on time. So here goes. Heartstopper Volume 2 by Alice Oseman {★★★★½}: It had taken me wayyyy too long to read this second volume but I finally bought it. And this story never ceases to make me smile. It gets ALL THE HEART EYES. Truly. I just really love these characters. And I love the art style. I love Alice as a writer, I think she’s really good at what she does and is truly inspiring. And obviously, by my rating, I LOVED THIS BOOK. But my rating of the first volume, I felt, was half a star too high (I’d rate it the same as volume 2), as my only vice with this graphic novel series is that I sometimes can’t behind some of the…

  • Monthly Recaps

    NOVEMBER RECAP // i turned 18, new anticipated releases, audiobooks, blog redesign & finishing high school

    For a change, this post is actually going up on time? I don’t know how am I either tbh. I didn’t read many books in November, which I’ll get into later. But I did get some awesome books. I mentioned that I’m going to start incorporating book mail into my recaps. I, unfortunately, haven’t managed to get my “last” book haul up yet. It’s taking a lot of work. So it’ll be coming soon after this post. But it is coming (ICYMI it’s just a very late haul of books from March to end of October) But um yeah there isn’t much else to say in this into so let us just chat about what happened in November. Geekerella by Ashley Poston {★★★½☆}: this was a reread for me because I thought I might like it even more (ignore my 2017-self’s 4-star review who couldn’t rate back then). I landed up flying through this one on a free dat and I had such a fun time. The only word I can use to describe this book is cute and that I liked it. It wasn’t perfect, I didn’t buy the actual story a lot of the time. I loved the…

  • Monthly Recaps

    OCTOBER RECAP // new fave book, spooky series binge & mental health

    I’m really terrible at sticking to a schedule people. I’m meant to be FREE and I just can’t do it. I said I’d try and post every 2 weeks during exams but whelp that didn’t happen. I kept leaving it to Sunday and then I just couldn’t get around to finishing the dang post. The cycle continued so this is why you’re only getting a post now. Anyways, I don’t want this post to go up too late so I’m trying to stay ahead of the game and post it now. I also want to start doing book hauls in monthly recaps so that’ll start happening in next month’s one. I have a giant one coming up because my last one was back in like March, but afterwards, I’m going to do ’em in recaps. If you even cared… Should I stop rambling and just get into what happened last month? I think that’s a good idea! Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco {★★★★☆}: hskjkjs this SERIES! I’d just finished the first book last month (i.e. September) so I decided to jump right into the sequel. And I enjoyed it a lot more. I will say I think I rated…

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