INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR CHLOE LIESE // chatting to romance author extraordinaire aka all things Bergman Brothers & Wilmot Sisters series ft. stunning new covers, bookish playlists and what’s next
I WANT TO SCREAM I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT TODAY’S POST!!!!!! What the heck I can’t believe who I get to speak to and I am so honoured to have the wonderful Chloe Liese here today aka the marvellous author of the Bergman Brothers series AND the Wilmot Sisters!!!!! I have teamed up with the wonderful Berkley team to share the new Bergman covers that I want to cry about for the rest of eternity,,, Look at them!!!! And lemme send you to a couple of reviews I’ve done Mini IG reviews of the Bergman series Spoiler-free review of Always Only You Spoiler-free review of Two Wrongs Make A Right…