• Monthly Recaps

    SEPTEMBER RECAP // start of spring, I actually read books (one good, one bad) & other shenanigans

    I’m calling it, I would now REALLY like 2020 to end. Okay no, there is ONE saving grace and it was a book. We are all shocked. Anyways, I apologise for,,, not posting for a month. I know I am a terrible person. I intended to, but I just never got around to sitting down and drafting new content. I didn’t read all that much and was also just busy with university work. Actually had intended to have this up like a week ago but ah assignments. I had an assignment due this morning so,,, fun times. Let us get dive right into what happened in September. Oh, also happy October I guess. Tis not fall where I live, but spring, and there will most likely be no Halloween not that I celebrated it anyway bc I’m a hermit but still. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne {★★☆☆☆}: thank the holy heavens above that I did not actually buy a physical copy of this book and instead read the ebook or,, idk I probably would have spat on it and tore it to pieces. Also, I don’t want it on my shelf. This book was… for lack of a better…

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