2021 READING AND BLOGGING RECAP // last year in review ft. 2022 tbr, reading challenges, pie charts & new years goals
Hi hello to my first post of the year! I didn’t realise it was the first until now and in general, it’s very late. I tried to get this recap post up a lot earlier, but I’m going to cut myself some slack because last year I highlighted how I once posted this in April so… I think I deserve a pat on the back, eh? Anyways, I’m here semi on time and perhaps less enthusiastic than usual. But I’m a stats freak now and at least I’m getting out some content, right? I hope you’re okay with Ruby being slightly off-beat today. 2021 absolutely sucked and I hated it…
BOOKS I NEED TO READ BY AUTHORS I LOVE // dear fave authors, my deepest apologies for being a terrible fan
I am currently an exhausted corpse. That is all. Jk no. But I’m so over university assignments and have no motivation anymore welp. This is a really random post idea. But I had this ongoing list (as per usual) and I thought LET’S JUST COMPILE INTO A POST. It’s been in drafts for approximately 1000 years and I’m feeling 0 creativity at the moment so we’re just gonna go ahead and post. There’s not much else to say really HA. I’m a bit of a mess. Before we get into it, I urge you to educate yourself on what is happening in Nigeria at the moment and to help #EndSARS…
2019 BOOK RELEASES I HAVEN’T READ YET // my extended 2020 tbr list ft. the amazing books i missed out on last year
I don’t even know why I’ve been so excited to write this post since I’m literally just calling myself out on all the books I didn’t read last year. Go me… on brand?? Truly it is. We know I’m on brand when this post is so old that I’ve had to take books off this list already since it’s… May. Wow, Ruby wow. Hopefully, I’m not setting myself up for failure this year. But I’m thinking I can do this. I made my most anticipated 2020 releases quite short so fingers crossed. This is also technically a list of books I want to get to this year, thereby it is…
TOP 20 BOOKS TO READ IN 2020 & NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS // this is incredibly late but hi reading and blogging goals ft. an ambitious tbr
Okay wow, this post is a tad late. I literally forgot that I hadn’t posted this and it’s been ready for MONTHS. Sorry about that. Better late than never though right? I’m jumping on the ’20 books to read in 2020′ bandwagon. I’m going to keep this short because I do have a sort of second instalment to this post planned with 2019 releases. Keep ya eyes peeled. And then I also had some new year’s reading resolutions so I thought I’d just combine those two posts into one. So it might be a whole mess. Have fun? TOP 20 BOOKS TO READ IN 2020 So instead of listing off why…
TOPPING THE TBR BOOK CLUB IS BACK // an announcement ft. our rebranding & my readathon tbr
Hello there friends This is a slightly different post from me but I’m so super excited about this new project that I just wanted to scream about it over here. If you’ve been around for a while you’ll know I started a book club with a few of my local bookstagram friends. Like really, ages ago. But everyone kind of got busy so we decided to take a break. It was later just my friend, Melleny and I, and we tried to get it back and running like a year ago, we yet again got busy. But you know, with all this time at home due to this virus, we…
OCTOBER RECAP // new fave book, spooky series binge & mental health
I’m really terrible at sticking to a schedule people. I’m meant to be FREE and I just can’t do it. I said I’d try and post every 2 weeks during exams but whelp that didn’t happen. I kept leaving it to Sunday and then I just couldn’t get around to finishing the dang post. The cycle continued so this is why you’re only getting a post now. Anyways, I don’t want this post to go up too late so I’m trying to stay ahead of the game and post it now. I also want to start doing book hauls in monthly recaps so that’ll start happening in next month’s one.…