• Monthly Recaps

    APRIL RECAP // i am in my british comedy era, finally read a jane austen & sinking down the academic research rabbit hole aka life is great

    Currently, my brain capacity is at 0.1 but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means I have a lot to say and no way to articulate it so this recap should be fun. If there’s one thing Ruby Rae Reads will always deliver, it is chaos and you can at least count on that. Let’s try and remember what happened this month before May is over *insert happy dance* Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane {★★★★½}: Don’t remember what finally gave me the push to read this author, maybe fate because I just KNEW I would love her and Ms McFarlane and I are now best friends. She doesn’t know that yet but it’s the truth. Maybe you’ll get a full review soon because I have a lot to say, but this was like watching a British comedy in book form and no-one does comedy like the British. The writing was whip-smart, the characters loveable and it’s just everything I want in an adult contemporary technically women’s fiction, but agh that term sucks. It was absolutely brilliant READ IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!! GR review here Mad About You by Mhairi McFarlane {★★★★★}: I couldn’t tell you…

  • Monthly Recaps

    NOVEMBER RECAP // I turned 20, listened to red tv, watched 2 new fave movies & read 4 books

    Manifesting that Ruby makes time for posts other than recaps and miscellaneous reviews. Honestly slapping myself across the face for it. It’s terrible. I have time but I don’t have it in me to do any of the 100 end of year posts I am usually doing this time of the year,,, Praying that a productivity wave hits me at some point in the near future. Big yikes. I’ll stop talking now though so we can get on with what happened in November. — Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz {★★★★☆}: Welp it’s been a second since I read this one as I finished it on the very first day of last month. But it’d been on my tbr for a while and I’m so glad I finally got around to it. As expected, this book was an absolute delight and brilliant YA contemporary romance. I AM OVERWHELMED WITH CUTENESS THIS BOOK IS ADORABLE *INSERT KEYBOARD SMASH* Can you tell I thought this was cute? Because I really did. This book deals heavily with chronic illness and teens dealing with chronic illness. Our main character has rheumatoid arthritis and love interest has Gaucher disease. And they meet and fall…

  • Discussions,  TV Shows

    PAIRING UMBRELLA ACADEMY CHARACTERS WITH BOOK CHARACTERS // playing platonic (maybe) matchmaking because I actually watched a tv show ft. dysfunctional characters galore

    Love that my brand is about never watching tv shows yet here I am watching like a million. Quarantine is making me do it. I may have disappeared for a while because I forgot that once you scheduled one post you actually had to prepare another one. So that’s fun. I’m also just going with the flow here and doing whatever posts I want to. But also, sorry I abandoned you for like almost two weeks. That was unintentional. This post could be a disaster and I have no idea how it’ll turn out but I had this fun idea and I just wanted to do it. I recently decided I needed to finally watch this show and wow we had a great time. It’s not Stranger Things level for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and was so… surprised?? I didn’t expect it to be as well-made as it was and I genuinely had a good time. Anyways that’s enough rambling so let’s just get on with it. Also, I’m going to try not to spoil anything and if there are any I’ll be sure to mention it because obviously, not everyone has seen the show hehe. Header image…

  • Discussions

    RAMBLING ABOUT THE HUNGER GAMES BEFORE THE PREQUEL IS OUT // less than a week ft. the best book, why gale is a piece of cardboard & much excitement!!

    Is this post useless? Yes. But am I doing it anyway? Indeed. I’m sorry you unfortunate souls who a) don’t care and b) haven’t read the masterpiece that is The Hunger Games trilogy. But also if you haven’t been around then you wouldn’t know that I did a reread of this series back in February and had like the best time of my life. And idk I wanted to do this semi-countdown (was trying to get this up a few days ago but alas uni work). As I said this post may be pointless? I don’t care, it’s my post okay. I have no idea how this post is going to pan out so I wish you luck on this rollercoaster alongside both myself and also these books because WOW. Also CAUTION: this post does have some spoilers, not many, and most are minor but be cautious. SERIES THOUGHTS!! See now even I’m regretting doing this because I have no idea where to start. Love that for me. Maybe we should start off with how ahead of its time this trilogy is. I mean we all knew that but reading them in 2020 woweeeee *insert exclamation point* First off, I…

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