• Monthly Recaps

    APRIL RECAP // i am in my british comedy era, finally read a jane austen & sinking down the academic research rabbit hole aka life is great

    Currently, my brain capacity is at 0.1 but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It just means I have a lot to say and no way to articulate it so this recap should be fun. If there’s one thing Ruby Rae Reads will always deliver, it is chaos and you can at least count on that. Let’s try and remember what happened this month before May is over *insert happy dance* Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane {★★★★½}: Don’t remember what finally gave me the push to read this author, maybe fate because I just KNEW I would love her and Ms McFarlane and I are now best friends. She doesn’t know that yet but it’s the truth. Maybe you’ll get a full review soon because I have a lot to say, but this was like watching a British comedy in book form and no-one does comedy like the British. The writing was whip-smart, the characters loveable and it’s just everything I want in an adult contemporary technically women’s fiction, but agh that term sucks. It was absolutely brilliant READ IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!! GR review here Mad About You by Mhairi McFarlane {★★★★★}: I couldn’t tell you…

  • Discussions,  Lists,  Recommendations

    MY FAVOURITE BOOKS OF 2021 // a whopping bizarre top 8 ft. some honourable mentions

    Life is currently a mess and I really wanted to get a lot more end of year posts out this month, but alas, 2021 will just have to close on the messy path it was already on. I have no idea what I’m writing but we’re rolling with it *nervous laughter* Apologies as I did have a fun idea for a Christmas recommendations list, but I just had no motivation to get it done. You’ll have to wait until next year folks. As usual, lowkey doing this post is stressful because I leave it till the very last day of the year JUST IN CASE a new favourite needs to squeeze on here. There hasn’t been one but it’s okay, at least I’m wrapping up all the books. Related posts: Top Books of 2020 2021 Mid Year Freak Out Tag Today I have 15 books in total to talk about, 7 are honourable mentions and 8 are the top favourites. I’m chuffed with this selection, though I’ll try and keep this post short and sweet so we can zoom through them. Very excited to talk about them, so let’s get into it! HONOURABLE MENTIONS: in no particular order (maybe least…

  • Book Reviews

    SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE BY TIA WILLIAMS // spoiler-free book review: a spectacular second-chance romance & writer-life

    Hi hello wonderful friends! I hope you’re all doing fine and dandy. Before we get into this post, I just have to apologise for leaving all of your recent comments unanswered. I’ve seen them all come in but I just haven’t gotten around to replying to any of them for literally the last like 6 posts,,, WILL CHANGE THAT ASAP. Anyways, today I’m here to shove this fantastic book in your faces that is truly as good as everyone’s been saying, so let’s get into it!   Title: Seven Days in JuneAuthor: Tia WilliamsPage count: 328Date published: 1 June 2021Genre: Adult contemporary romance ✎ Synopsis: Seven days to fall in love, fifteen years to forget, and seven days to get it all back again… Eva Mercy is a single mother and bestselling erotica writer who is feeling pressed from all sides. Shane Hall is a reclusive, enigmatic, award-winning novelist, who, to everyone’s surprise, shows up unexpectedly in New York. When Shane and Eva meet at a literary event, sparks fly, raising not only their buried traumas, but also the eyebrows of the Black literati. What no one knows is that fifteen years earlier, teenage Eva and Shane spent one crazy,…

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