2022 READING AND BLOGGING RECAP // last year in review ft books read, 2023 reading challenge, even more social media stats and pie charts galore!!!
Hi hello and happy 2023 friends!!! Eeeep guess this is my first post of the year which is rare for me to be so on time with this. But we love the energy!!! I’m a tad behind on my fave books of the year post but that should be coming in the next few days, so please feast your eyes on the stats in the meantime. Let’s get to it xoxo READING OVERVIEW AND STATS I’m posting this to Instagram as well because why not? Hence my stunning graphics which I’m obsessed with so I hope you appreciate them *sighs* Me? Self-obsessed? Definitely not… Anyways, I’m happy with my 2022 reading but we’re on the third day of the year now and you’d think I’d have all the goals. But I honestly want to go with no expectations this year. I hit my reading goal of 50 books and I’m going to up it by 5 because of that, but 2023 shall remain goal-less. Speaking of reading goals, I apparently read fewer pages than my previous reading year, which is odd since I read 2 extra books??? Oh well. 2022 turned out well overall I think, but I have a…