• Discussions,  Miscellaneous,  TBR

    2021 READING AND BLOGGING RECAP // last year in review ft. 2022 tbr, reading challenges, pie charts & new years goals

    Hi hello to my first post of the year! I didn’t realise it was the first until now and in general, it’s very late. I tried to get this recap post up a lot earlier, but I’m going to cut myself some slack because last year I highlighted how I once posted this in April so… I think I deserve a pat on the back, eh? Anyways, I’m here semi on time and perhaps less enthusiastic than usual. But I’m a stats freak now and at least I’m getting out some content, right? I hope you’re okay with Ruby being slightly off-beat today. 2021 absolutely sucked and I hated it and am glad its over, but hey, the reading was good! Mostly keeping this post the same as last time, though adding a couple of sections to it. I didn’t do a mid-year check-in because,,, life. Since I didn’t get the chance to build any anticipation, here’s your chance to take your guesses on whether or not there will be a high amount of ebooks and romance in this post *hides* But anyways, let’s dive right in! READING STATS AND OVERVIEW You know, I’m actually really chuffed with reading overall…

  • Discussions,  Miscellaneous

    2020 READING AND BLOGGING RECAP // checking up on 2020 in stats and goals ft. reading challenge, progress in pie charts & new years resolutions

    Hello friends, here’s me trying to get all of my end-of-year posts up on time and not post them in April. Which I DEFINITELY have never done before… *crickets chirping* I should do double *crickets chirping* because I disappeared for 2 weeks again. I explain why later in this post but IM SORRY. I’m ~trying~ to get better at not abandoning you all for weeks on end. Anyways… let us take a minute to THANK THE HEAVENS it is 2021. Even though the year has maybe not been off to the best start already lmao. And just because it’s a new year, it doesn’t mean all of our problems will magically disappear. It’s really just the number that’s changed. But STILL, you all get it. Anyways, I absolutely loved doing my mid-year goals check-in last year so here we are reflecting on 2020 as a whole. Feast your eyes on a couple of pie charts and my 2021 goals. READING STATS AND OVERVIEW So,,, unfortunately, there wasn’t really any drastic change in my reading from the last update. My reading year didn’t improve a ton, I still ended up with a very short list of favourites. I haven’t reread all…

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