SEPTEMBER RECAP // i went to a book festival, read 2 books & now need a long nap
Ngl that title is kinda iconic and I will be patting myself on the back for the foreseeable future,,, Trying to be marginally on time with this so let’s just dive right in before I run away or something? — Our Infinite Fates by Laura Steven {★★★★☆}: She’s not out for a while so I’m not saying too much right now. But I absolutely devoured this book with reincarnation starcrossed lovers forced to kill each other in every lifetime. Oh yes. You need to add this to your TBR right this second methinks!!!! Tysm to Penguin Children’s UK for the eARC via Netgalley ~ more thoughts here Nothing Like The Movies by Lynn Painter {★★★★★}: If you were wondering if I got randomly accepted for an early copy of this book on a random Friday and spent that random weekend yelling into the void, you might be right. You’ll probably see a review from me about this so I shall save the thoughts for then. But indeed I died and went to heaven, and then cried over WesLiz in this book. Tysm to Simon Teen for the eARC via Edelweiss ~ all the yelling in my GR review here Thank…