JUNE, JULY & AUGUST RECAP // oops i disappeared again but let’s catch up on work, reading & other life updates!
Oops I missed another 3 months. We were doing so well and then I got a corporate life and it went downhill of a sudden. But I shan’t be taken down.
Let’s catch up and we shall end on my blood oath to never disappear again. Sounds fun right?
Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane {★★★★½}: I have actually reviewed this one already (!!!!) so I shan’t say all that much. Idk how I went about my life thinking this was some typa of tragic romance and I do fully blame the synopsis for that. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and worship the ground Mhairi McFarlane walks on. Go read the book kay. Ty to William Morrow Books for the eARC, full blog review over here *sighs*
Thank You For Listening by Julia Whelan {★★★★½}: I’m on fire with reviews lately because same as before, you can find a full review. Also, I put off reading this for far too long and deserve to be whacked over the head for it. Julia Whelan is an audiobook goddesss and I am obsessed with this book!!! Ty to Harper Collins for the ALC, more thoughts here <3<3<3
Heartstopper Volume 5 by Alice Oseman {★★★★★}: god I love this series so much and I need the new season NOWWWW. I’ll probably do a proper review on Instagram at some point so I won’t say too much, but I did die of cuteness whilst reading this book. More thoughts in my GR review *insert heart eyes*
The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton {★★★★½}: about damn time I started this series and my instincts are just always right!!! Broken record over here but I’ve posted a blog review already so I’ll let you peruse that. But I ate this book up and I am soooo excited to get into the next one. And yes there are pirates flying houses in Victorian England in this historical fantasy romance. Enjoyyyyy. Big thanks to Penguin SA for the review copy, click here for the full review!
An Illumination of Thieves by India Holton {★★★★½}: I had to read the bonus content also because I am abysmally behind on my GR goal and yes I’ve cried many tears about this,,,,
Nothing Better Than You by Lynn Painter {★★★★☆}: I’d use the same reading goal excuse as before but I also read allll the bonus content this woman puts out about these babies so I fear you wouldn’t believe me. Moral of the story: I need Nothing Like the Movies now!!!!!!!!
It was that time of year when we got to see all the new books from Penguin Random House South Africa, and I somehow won a raffle too? My shelves hated me, but huge thanks to them for these:
- Where The Dark Stands Still by AB Poranek
- Funny Story by Emily Henry
- Countdown To Yesterday by Shirley Marr
- Shadowhall Academy: The Whispering Walls by Phil Hickes
- The Boy Who Made Monsters by Jenny Pearson
- The Eternal Ones by Namina Forna
- This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian
- The Legend of Mamlambo by Charles Siboto
- Breath by Jan Vermeulen
- Band Aids for the Dead by Fanie Viljoen
- The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown
- Voyage of the Damned by Frances White
So so so excited for all of these from Pan Macmillan SA:
- The Burial Plot by Elizabeth Macneal
- Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack
- Children of Anguish and Anarchy by Tomi Adeyemi
- Onion Tears by Shubnum Khan
- We Have Everything We Need To Start Again by Koleka Putuma
Playing god’s favourite with Flame Tree Press who sent me AN ADVANCED COPY FROM THE UK AND I DIED:
- The First King by Shameez Patel Papathanasiou
If you hadn’t heard (and I only did through work!!!) about South Africa’s new sci-fi/fantasy publisher Mirari Press then I guess I’ve plugged you and I love them a lot for sending these to me!
- The Tilted Pentagram by Matthew MacDevette ~ exclusive Arcana edition
- Waypoint Seven by Xan van Rooyen proof copy
Thank you to the author Shameena Siddique & Purple Brain Publishing for sending me a copy of The Stylist Psychologist, who is so very kind and I’m hoping I can make it to one of her launches to say hi!
Gotta love my babes at NB Publishers who spoiled me last month:
- Lost Property by Meg Choritz
- The Man Who Loved Crocodile Tamers by Finuala Dowling
- The Queer Book of Revelation by Siya Khumalo
- What’s Wrong With June by Qarnita Loxton
Click to go to the post <3
I have only myself to blame for leaving these posts so long because indeed I have forgotten EVERYTHING EVER. Love that for me,,,
I guess all I can tell you is that my life has been consumed by 10 seasons of Criminal Minds and I’m only a bit mad about it. Can’t stay mad at Matthew Gray Gubler for too long ya know?
I can however be mad about My Lady Jane which I devoured and am obsessed with and I have no words about our current state of affairs.
And according to my bible aka Letterboxd, I haven’t watched much else aside from rewatches I’m 99.9% sure I’ve already talked about on here before. EXCEPT for My Neighbour Totoro which was wayyy more fun the second time around, as well as Spirited Away which makes zero sense the first time around, and the same can be said for Howl’s Moving Castle on my like 4th rewatch. But cool to see on the big screen for the Anime Festival.
That’s all.
Everything and nothing has been happening in my life and I don’t know how to articulate any of it. As I mentioned like once before, I’ve started an internship at a kinda publishing company, but its a different avenue entirely. And it’s been a hugggeeee life adjustment for me and as you can tell by my absence on this blog, I still haven’t found my balance yet. But I think I’m nearly there *crossing fingers*
Anyways, work has been crazy busy and I’m learning a lot but it’s stressful a lot of the time. But I’m learning tons about the industry, which has been great. A lot to take in though, hence my inactivity. Hoping to get into a better groove from now though. Wish me luck.
I never do these anymore and now I need to know how you are doing?


I also loved thank you for listening! I will have to get to the wisteria society soon as it has been on my tbr for a while. And I have never read a Mhairi McFarlane book before, but I keep hearing they are good so I definitely need to…
Ruby Rae Reads
Yayyyy so happy we can love together 🥳 and omg lemme know when you read Wisteria Society and Mhairi so we can yell together heheheh!!! Thanks for stopping byby 💖
jan @ inkspun tales
the my lady jane cancellation announcement was devastating, nice to see a fellow fan though!! i hope it gets a second season, somehow. there is so much room for more story.
Caro @ bookcheshirecat
Sorry to hear that work has been busy, but it’s great that you’re learning a lot about the industry!
I’m so hyped for the last Heartstopper volume and the new season of the TV show, it’s such a comfort 🥰
I also loved My Lady Jane, such a fun show! I know this season wrapped up the story of the first book, but there would have been so much potential for more seasons 🥺
Ruby Rae Reads
Not me replying to this so late that I’ve now seen the show 3 times….. I’m not okay haha
Anyways omg thank you for this lovely comment Caro! So glad you also love MLJ, I’m hoping for miracles with that one haha 😅