• Anticipated releases,  Movies,  TV Shows

    My Most Anticipated Movies & TV Shows Of The Year

    So yeah this is late but I thought it’d be fun anyway because ya’ll know I love my movies and tv.  There’s also so much good stuff coming out this year and I’m PUMPED! Also, I LOVE BOOKS OKAY! But I also love me some good tv, pizza and popcorn so of course I have an unhealthy  list that I need to get to this year. Don’t judge me TV SHOWS Riverdale: I have to admit that although this show isn’t amazing, it is very entertaining and I always look forward to it every week. It’s not explicitly said that it’ll be back this year but there’s a good chance. Shadowhunters (20 March 2018): Ya’ll know I love Cassandra Clare and this show has it’s faults but I am excited because this year it seems like they’re sticking with the book plot so… Stranger Things: YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT AS SOON AS I’M OBSESSED YOU’RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHOLE YEAR GAP! THAT IS NOT FAIR OKAY! But like seriously, the gap between S1 and S2 was not too long so there is still hope. MOVIES MUSICALS The Greatest Showman (8 December 2017): I don’t know where you’ve been…

  • Movies

    Voldemort Origins Of The Heir // review, likes and dislikes

    [Disclaimer: I watched this for my own pleasure and am giving my honest thoughts because of my love for Harry Potter. All opinions are my own and I am in NO way criticising the work put into this film] To those of you who don’t know Voldemort Origins Of The Heir is a fanmade movie that has had some buzz going around since the trailer dropped (click here for the link). It was produced by Tryangle Films and all the other details are in the description of the movie which is available on YouTube As soon as the trailer dropped, man was I patiently waiting for this to come. I mean it’s Harry Potter made by aspiring filmmakers (like myself) so what more could you want? The sets were really impressive and well done. The soundtrack and music wasgreat Tom Riddle was really well cast omg! He so looked the part and played it really well. The plot worked well and the story is intriguing and overall very entertaining I really liked the founder aspect of the story since I’ve always wanted to know more about them, ever since The Deathly Hallows and the horcruxes Seeing the history of Voldemort on-screen…

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